Hey all, embarrassed to say I’ve been a couple releases behind, but I’m starting to write more julia again and loving 0.5
Something I lost track of, however, is array comprehensions that are automatically flattened. Supposing I have an array of Dicts storing ngram info and I want an array all the ngrams from all the Dicts:
docs = [ Dict("pts," => 22, "forc" => 11), Dict("cass" => 72, "iora" => 44) ]
There used to be comprehensions that used [ ... ]
and comprehensions that used { ... }
, and we could write:
[ collect(keys(doc)) for doc in docs ]
But I’ve read enough to understand why that’s gone. Unfortunately the closest replacement I’ve found is:
collect(Base.Iterators.flatten([ collect(keys(doc)) for doc in docs ]))
Which isn’t horrible, but is definitely a mouthful.
I’m sure this has been discussed somewhere I’ve not found, but does something like this make sense:
[ collect(keys(doc))... for doc in docs ]
Or is there another way I’m missing entirely?
Thanks! Sorry for being so behind the times!