Thanks for helping out. I had a short look into the error of this MWE
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching accumulate(::Tuple{Vector{ForwardDiff.Dual{ForwardDiff.Tag{var"#17#18", Float64}, Float64, 2}}}, ::AccurateArithmetic.Summation.var"#1#2"{typeof(AccurateArithmetic.EFT.fast_two_sum)}, ::Val{:scalar}, ::Val{2}, ::Val{0})
and noticed accumulate
restricts the type to reals AFAIU
@generated function accumulate(x::NTuple{A, AbstractArray{T}},
rem_handling = Val(:scalar),
::Val{Ushift} = Val(2),
::Val{Prefetch} = Val(0),
) where {F, A, T <: Union{Float32,Float64}, Ushift, Prefetch}
Is it possible and does it make sense to generalize this?