I have a big matrix (20000x20000, Float64) which I build in a for loop. The for loop fills that matrix 2 non-consecutive columns at a time (e.g., in step 5 it may fill columns 3 and 5000, from row 1 to 20000). This is obviously a nightmare from a memory access point of view.
If I use a regular matrix, this operation takes less than a second, but uses up a ton of RAM. Using a sparse matrix (initialized with spzeros(20000,20000
) I have great RAM reduction (only 0.3% of the matrix is non-zero, for a certain case), but the function takes 8 minutes!
Is this normal, or am I doing something very wrong? Maybe the nature of how I fill the matrix is the to blame. Not sure I can change that too easily.
Thanks a lot!
That’s not particularly surprising. I’m not the most qualified person to explain this, but I think the way that your loop filling the dense matrix accesses memory is probably much more efficient.
If you know which entries of the matrix will be nonzero, however, there are more advanced methods for constructing the sparse matrix than a double loop, if that’s what you’re doing right now. Maybe you could share some code for people to look at?
What happens if you build the matrix in a non-sparse way, then call SparseArrays.sparse
over it to build the sparse version, and throw away the non-sparse one (simply do not return it from the scope where it is created, or set the binding to nothing)?
Setting coefficients of a sparse matrix is slow because it generally requires moving around all of the data after whatever coefficient you’ve set, which can be quite expensive. That’s why it’s generally recommended to build up a vectors of row indices, column indices, and values, and then call sparse(I, J, V)
to build the sparse matrix all at once, ref: Sparse Arrays · The Julia Language
Thanks, guys. This is all useful.
I will try @Henrique_Becker 's idea (though I would have a RAM spike I’d like to avoid) and I think implementing @rdeits ’ idea would be easy enough (it will have a lot of push!
calls, which is probably not super fast, but whatever). Can the ‘I,J,V’ arrays be in any order? Sorting would cost some time, but if I’m going to do this, I should do it in a way that gets me the best performance possible. I’d guess row sorted.
Thanks again!
You should test that assumption. push!
is amortized O(1) and should be quite efficient, although it does have some cost.
They can be in any order and can contain duplicates. The sparse()
function will take care of all of this for you, including merging duplicate entries (adding them together by default). The whole point of the I, J, V
constructor is that it allows sparse()
to sort your entries and then populate the final matrix once without having to reorganize all its data.
You can also use sizehint!
if you have a rough idea of how many elements you’ll need.
function f(n)
out = Int[]
for i = 1:n
push!(out, i)
function g(n)
out = Int[]
sizehint!(out, n)
for i = 1:n
push!(out, i)
julia> @btime f(10^8);
1.150 s (29 allocations: 888.58 MiB)
julia> @btime g(10^8);
641.243 ms (2 allocations: 762.94 MiB)
Thanks a lot, guys. This is great info.
Great to know that sparse
adds duplicates.