I sometimes have the need to construct a sparse matrix from a dense matrix with a fair number of numerical zeros. Currently, I have to duplicate the matrix in as SparseMatrixCSC with sparse() and then drop the zeros with dropzeros!. For large matrices with large numbers of numerical zeros this can take a lot of memory. Has anybody tackled this?
But sparse
doesn’t keep the numerical zeros from the dense matrix?
It does.
julia> A=sparse([1e-1 1e-20; 2 3])
2×2 SparseMatrixCSC{Float64,Int64} with 4 stored entries:
[1, 1] = 0.1
[2, 1] = 2.0
[1, 2] = 1.0e-20
[2, 2] = 3.0
won’t drop the zeros either, because it filters only for hard zeros. Instead I’ll have to use Base.SparseArrays.fkeep!(sparse(A),(x,y,z) -> z>eps(typeof(z)))
or some such thing.
Ok, now I see what you mean. Try.
function to_sparse(A, eps)
I, J, V = Int[], Int[], Float64[]
for i in size(A, 1), j in size(A,2)
v = A[i, j]
if v > eps
push!(I, i)
push!(J, j)
push!(V, v)
return sparse(I, J, V)
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Actually, no need to round trip via IJV
function to_sparse(A, eps)
colptr = zeros(Int, size(A, 2) + 1)
nzval = Float64[]
rowval = Int[]
colptr[1] = 1
cnt = 1
for i in 1:size(A, 1)
for j in 1:size(A,2)
v = A[i, j]
if v > eps
push!(rowval, j)
push!(nzval, v)
cnt += 1
colptr[i+1] = cnt
return SparseMatrixCSC(size(A, 1), size(A, 2), colptr, rowval, nzval)
It might be petter performance to count how many stored elements you have a priori and allocate arrays with correct size up front.
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That’s good, thanks! I’ve taken that and amended it by what fkeep! does
function to_sparse(A, f)
colptr = zeros(Int, size(A, 2) + 1)
nzval = Float64[]
rowval = Int[]
colptr[1] = 1
cnt = 1
for i in 1:size(A, 1)
for j in 1:size(A,2)
v = A[i, j]
if f(i,j,v)
push!(rowval, j)
push!(nzval, v)
cnt += 1
colptr[i+1] = cnt
return SparseMatrixCSC(size(A, 1), size(A, 2), colptr, rowval, nzval)
in case I want to filter by other criteria during instantiation.
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I made some noobie mistakes in my last post.
function tosparse(A, f)
nz = count(!equalto(0), A)
colptr = zeros(Int, size(A, 2) + 1)
nzval = Vector{Float64}(uninitialized, nz)
rowval = Vector{Int}(uninitialized, nz)
colptr[1] = 1
cnt = 1
@inbounds for j in 1:size(A,2)
for i in 1:size(A, 1)
v = A[i, j]
if f(i, j, v)
rowval[cnt] = i
nzval[cnt] = v
cnt += 1
colptr[j+1] = cnt
return SparseMatrixCSC(size(A, 1), size(A, 2), colptr, rowval, nzval)
Should be much better (traverses the matrix in the correct order)
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Great use of count! Since we’re using the filter f
, we need to modify count to
using Base.Cartesian
nz = 0
@nloops 2 i A begin
nz += f(i_1,i_2,A[i_1,i_2])