Sorting in-place several Vector's simultaneously

@eldee I just wish to thank you for your help. : ) In the last 3 days, I’ve learnt something new (@generated) and I think it’s super cool that Julia allows us to hack into its functionality so easily (in my case, using all of the sorting capabilities on my custom struct so long as I define size, length, getindex, setindex) without losing any of the performance!!!

For anyone else interested in this, I am posting the finalized code and its benchmarks:

struct Zip{N, T<:Tuple} <: AbstractVector{Tuple}
   Zip{N,T}(vecs::T) where {N,T} = length(vecs)==N ? new(vecs) : error("lengths don't match!") 
Zip(vecs) = Zip{length(vecs), typeof(vecs)}(vecs)
Base.size(z::Zip) = (length(z),)  # for AbstractVector compliance
@generated function Base.length(z::Zip{N,T}) where {N,T}
   Expr(:call, :min, (:(length(z.vec[$j])) for j=1:N)...) end
@generated function Base.getindex(z::Zip{N,T}, i::Int) where {N,T}
   Expr(:tuple, (:(@inbounds(z.vec[$j][i])) for j=1:N)...) end
@generated function Base.setindex!(z::Zip{N,T}, vals::Tuple, i::Int)  where {N,T}
   Expr(:block, (:(@inbounds(z.vec[$j][i] = vals[$j])) for j=1:N)...) end;

function tmp!(x,y)  
   n = min(length.((x,y))...)
   p = sortperm(x)[1:n]
   view(x,1:n) .= x[p]
   view(y,1:n) .= y[p] 

julia> begin n=10^6;   
   @btime sort!(x, alg=QuickSort)                                       setup=(x=rand(1:$n,$n));                    
   @btime tmp!(x,y)                                                     setup=(x=rand(1:$n,$n); y=rand(1.0:$n,$n+10));  
   @btime sort!(Zip((x,y)), by=first, alg=QuickSort)                    setup=(x=rand(1:$n,$n); y=rand(1.0:$n,$n+10)); 
   @btime sort!(StructArray((x,view(y,1:$n))), by=first, alg=QuickSort) setup=(x=rand(1:$n,$n); y=rand(1.0:$n,$n+10)); end; 
  71.717 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
  159.054 ms (15 allocations: 38.15 MiB)
  75.413 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
  81.581 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)