Some thoughts on improving basic function documentation

One of the examples does show this, but if you feel that it can be clearer then open an issue at
Issues · JuliaLang/julia · GitHub with your exact proposed change (If you can, then a pull request would be better).

Maybe by adding a comment to it like

julia> 7 > 3 > 1 # equivalent to 7 > 3 && 3 > 1

This chaining is missing in the doc of <

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So it is, maybe should add a corresponding

julia> 1 < 3 < 7 # equivalent to 1 < 3 && 3 < 7
mutable struct Car
cars = [Car(rand(4)...) for _ in 1:5]
Base.isless(c1::Car,c2::Car) = c1.odometer < c2.odometer

The above code is really a Julia gem.[got from stackoverflow]. Why not it is included in the Julia doc of isless.

julia> isless([1,2],[1,3])

julia> isless([1,2],[1,-1])

This can also be included I think

Doesn’t work, maybe

cars = [Car(rand()) for _ in 1:5]

but I would prefer

cars = Car.(rand(5))

The docs state that if you define Base.isless then you should also define Base.isequal, so make sure to do that to make the example 100% correct.

Good idea and I think that it could even clarify things an extra amount with a third example: isless([0,2],[1,-1])

I see that the 1.9 docstring for isless(A::AbstractVector, B::AbstractVector) uses capitals for the parameter names which is against Julia naming convention, so this should also be changed to isless(a::AbstractVector, b::AbstractVector)


Update: GitHub - tecosaur/CheckDoc.jl: Documentation linting is now public :grinning: (though currently unregistered).


Reported an issue:

I am also following up here to say that the Documentation tutorial is up on JuliaLang youtube channel and it indeed tries to establish a standard form for docstrings:


I vaguely remember having seen admonitions in the Julia manual that Description, Arguments, etc. should be level-one headings. I think GD uses second-level. Are there any arguments for one over the other?

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I don’t know what GD means, but I use level 2 headings. My reason was that in the rendered pages in Documenter’s HTML output, which is the default setup for most packages, level 1 headers in docstrings were very large. I preferred them just a bit toned down so I went with level 2 markdown headers in docstrings.

GD is you :wink: