I use a slight variation of the “recommended” style, consisting of three elements:
- a “title” (a single-sentence summary of the function in imperative style)
- the code block with the function signature
- one or more paragraphs in the descriptive style. This continues the code block, as a sentence.
For example,
"""Optimize a quantum control problem.
result = optimize(
method, # mandatory keyword argument
optimizes towards a solution of given [`problem`](@ref ControlProblem) with
the given `method`, which should be a `Module` implementing the method, …
One reason is that at some point (maybe with a Documenter plugin), it might be nice to surface the summary of functions, like in the docs of one of the Python-precedents of QuantumControl
As far a linters go, I’d like a linter to be able to enforce that particular style