Encouraged by this thread ( Switching to Pkg3 )
I also ventured into Pkg(3) land for a redo of Stan.jl for Julia 0.7/1.0 ( StanJulia ) and similarly for a previously registered project PtFEM.jl ( PtFEM ). Both Github organizations (StanJulia and PtFEM) currently hold several related work-in-progress packages.
And as Scott mentioned, Pkg(3) is very different, I like it though. Both StanJulia/CmdStan.jl and PtFEM/PtFEM.jl are maybe 80% there.
I’m left with several questions/observations, mainly workflow related:
It seems Pkg(3) expects Julia to run in the ‘correct’ directory? E.g. after
generate HelloWorld
( as in the Pkg docs ) I found the project in the current working directory. The Pkg REPL also relies on that I think. -
I like this idea of having several Julia processes running, each bound to a project. Is that the idea? Pretty quickly I found myself constantly working in the Pkg REPL for a particular project.
(After saving the v0.6 subdirectory in .julia,) I tried if I could delete all of .julia… That did work ok, dev, packages, registries, etc are recreated when needed.
All previously registered packages are in .julia/packages. These are not (never?) git repositories?
The version of a package that Julia selects with e.g.
using PtFEM
is solely determined by what is in Project.toml and Manifest.toml? -
When in the Pkg REPL (or using Pkg.add(…)), will
add package_name
always select the most suitable registered version available? To override that, use an URL or local directory? -
After working (
develop ...
) on a package in e.g. .julia/dev, the package is now ready for a new release. The Pkg documentation states: “When the PR has been merged we can go over to track the master branch and when a new release …”, does that meanfree package_name
by default will switch to master and on a futureup package_name
to the new release? -
In my case
review free PtFEM
returned an error (see below). I’ve also seen error messages related to package and project name being the same. This is clearly the area I struggle with most. I guess the Pkg docs refer to existing packages added to a project. In my case both CmdStan.jl and PtFEM.jl are the targets of the development work. -
Still need to study switching between branches. In fact I’m hoping that after Julia 1.0 is released I can go back to just having a released version and a master branch.
Also I’m not sure what the extra directory layer in .julia/packages/
/ is for, I guess it is for version management using Manifest.toml? -
Over the last couple of years I have learned the hard way that it is better to layer package dependencies as much as possible. I haven’t studied that part of Pkg(3) yet. For now I plan to create base packages, e.g. CmdStan.jl and then layer creating DataFrames in a separate package (StanDataFrames). Similarly for StanMamba, StanPlotsRecipes, StanFeather etc., all part of the StanJulia organization. But I’ll certainly keep an eye on the discussion about classes of packages in Github organizations.
The updates Scott suggested for .travis.yml (and appveyor.yml) seem to do the trick. This seems to simplify .travis.yml, e.g.: " - julia -e ‘using Pkg; Pkg.add(“…”); Pkg.test(“CmdStan”; coverage=true)’ ". Although I’m not sure why e.g. the Pkg.add(“Compat”) is required in .travis.yml and appveyor.yml.
Will there be a Curated registry in the future?
Is the REQUIRE file still needed?
Just wanted to capture these notes for my own use, but maybe they are helpful for others (as Scott’s thread was to me). Feedback is of course always welcome.
(PtFEM) pkg> preview free PtFEM
───── Preview mode ─────
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching get(::Nothing, ::String, ::Bool)
Closest candidates are:
get(::Base.EnvDict, ::AbstractString, ::Any) at env.jl:77
get(::REPL.Terminals.TTYTerminal, ::Any, ::Any) at /Users/rob/Projects/Julia/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v0.7/REPL/src/Terminals.jl:174
get(::IdDict{K,V}, ::Any, ::Any) where {K, V} at abstractdict.jl:624
[1] #free#30(::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{},Union{},Tuple{},NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}}, ::Function, ::Pkg.Types.Context, ::Array{Pkg.Types.PackageSpec,1}) at /Users/rob/Projects/Julia/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v0.7/Pkg/src/API.jl:187
[2] free at /Users/rob/Projects/Julia/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v0.7/Pkg/src/API.jl:172 [inlined]
[3] do_free!(::Pkg.Types.Context, ::Array{Union{Pkg.Types.VersionRange, String, Pkg.REPLMode.Command, Pkg.REPLMode.Option, Pkg.REPLMode.Rev},1}) at /Users/rob/Projects/Julia/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v0.7/Pkg/src/REPLMode.jl:664
[4] #invokelatest#1 at ./essentials.jl:667 [inlined]
[5] invokelatest at ./essentials.jl:666 [inlined]
[6] do_cmd!(::Array{Union{Pkg.Types.VersionRange, String, Pkg.REPLMode.Command, Pkg.REPLMode.Option, Pkg.REPLMode.Rev},1}, ::REPL.LineEditREPL) at /Users/rob/Projects/Julia/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v0.7/Pkg/src/REPLMode.jl:273
[7] #do_cmd#8(::Bool, ::Function, ::REPL.LineEditREPL, ::String) at /Users/rob/Projects/Julia/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v0.7/Pkg/src/REPLMode.jl:233
[8] do_cmd at /Users/rob/Projects/Julia/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v0.7/Pkg/src/REPLMode.jl:230 [inlined]
[9] (::getfield(Pkg.REPLMode, Symbol(“##27#30”)){REPL.LineEditREPL,REPL.LineEdit.Prompt})(::REPL.LineEdit.MIState, ::Base.GenericIOBuffer{Array{UInt8,1}}, ::Bool) at /Users/rob/Projects/Julia/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v0.7/Pkg/src/REPLMode.jl:948
[10] top-level scope