In my previous post I was trying to get to reach a conclusion whether I can get more speed in solving a system of difference equation (basically a discrete dynamical system) through a hand-written code. I got useful suggestions, but today I found that the trajectory()
function in DynamicalSystems
runs faster. My ultimate goal was to write a code that solves the system in a biparametric space (varying two parameters in nested for loop) and store the corresponding period in a file. Here is the system and its jacobian
using DynamicalSystems, DelimitedFiles, .Threads, BenchmarkTools
## Components of a test DiscreteDynamicalSystem
function dds_constructor(u0 = [0.5, 0.7]; r=1.0, k=2.0)
return DiscreteDynamicalSystem(dds_rule, u0, [r, k], dds_jac)
## equations of motion:
function dds_rule(x, par, n)
r, k = par;
a = 5.0; mu = 0.5; d = 0.2;
dx = x[1]*exp(r*(1-x[1]/k)-x[2]/(a+x[1]^2))
dy = x[2]*exp(mu*x[1]/(a+x[1]^2)-d)
return @SVector [dx, dy]
## Jacobian:
function dds_jac( x, par, n)
r, k = par;
a = 5.0; mu = 0.5; d = 0.2;
J11 = exp(- x[2]/(x[1]^2 + a) - r*(x[1]/k - 1)) - x[1]*exp(- x[2]/(x[1]^2 + a) - r*(x[1]/k - 1))*(r/k - (2*x[1]*x[2])/(x[1]^2 + a)^2)
J12 = -(x[1]*exp(- x[2]/(x[1]^2 + a) - r*(x[1]/k - 1)))/(x[1]^2 + a)
J21 = x[2]*exp((mu*x[1])/(x[1]^2 + a) - d)*(mu/(x[1]^2 + a) - (2*mu*x[1]^2)/(x[1]^2 + a)^2)
J22 = exp((mu*x[1])/(x[1]^2 + a) - d)
return @SMatrix [J11 J12; J21 J22]
Some functions I used:
function seqper_new(x; tol=1e-3) # function to calculate periodicity
@inbounds for k in 2:length(x)
if abs(x[k] - x[1]) ≤ tol
all(j -> abs(x[j] - x[j-k+1]) ≤ tol, k:lastindex(x)) && return k - 1
return length(x)
function meshh(x,y) # create a meshgrid of x and y
len_x = length(x);
len_y = length(y);
xmesh = Float64[]
ymesh = Float64[]
for i in 1:len_x
for j in 1:len_y
push!(xmesh, x[i])
push!(ymesh, y[j])
return xmesh, ymesh
Here is my function that I want to optimize. It calculates the period of each pair of xpts*ypts parameter values and store the corresponding x-values in a column of some preallocated variable.
function isoperiodic_test(ds, par_area::Matrix{Float64}, NIter::Int64, filename::String,
nxblock::Int64, nyblock::Int64, NTr::Int64, xpts::Int64, ypts::Int64)
io = open(iso_filename, "a") # opeing file to write output
p1_st = par_area[1]; # beginning of first parameter
p1_nd = par_area[2]; # end of first parameter
p2_st = par_area[3]; # beginning of second parameter
p2_nd = par_area[4]; # end of second parameter
p1_block = range(p1_st, p1_nd, length=nxblock + 1); # divide par_area in blocks
p2_block = range(p2_st, p2_nd, length=nyblock + 1); # divide par_area in blocks
l_bipar = xpts * ypts; # total number of pts in each block
total_blocks = nxblock * nyblock # total number of blocks
sol_last = Array{Float64,2}(undef, NIter + 1, l_bipar); # stores x values of solution for l_bipar (r,k) paris
for ii in 1:nxblock
step1size = (p1_block[ii + 1] - p1_block[ii]) / xpts;
par1range = range(p1_block[ii], p1_block[ii + 1] - step1size, length=xpts);
for jj in 1:nyblock
display("Progress: " * string(nxblock * (ii - 1) + jj) * " out of " * string(total_blocks) * " steps.")
step2size = (p2_block[jj + 1] - p2_block[jj]) / ypts;
par2range = range(p2_block[jj], p2_block[jj + 1] - step2size, length=ypts);
Threads.@threads for i = 1:xpts
for j = 1:ypts
set_parameter!(ds, [par1range[i], par2range[j]]) # change the parameter values
tr = trajectory(ds, NIter; Ttr=NTr); # find the solution
sol_last[:,(i - 1) * xpts + j] = tr[:,1]; # store x-values
periods = seqper_new.(eachcol(sol_last), tol=0.001) # seqper_new calculates periodicity
par1mesh, par2mesh = meshh(par1range, par2range) # meshgrid of parameter values
writedlm(io, [par1mesh par2mesh periods]) # write data in txt file
return iso_filename
## Test
parameter_area = [1.0 5.0 2.0 5.0]
nxblock = 1;
nyblock = 1;
xpts = 100;
ypts = 100;
NIter = 2000;
NTr = 50000;
init = [0.4, 0.5];
ds = dds_constructor(init);
iso_filename = @time isoperiodic_test(ds, parameter_area, NIter, "isoperiodic_test_data.txt",
nxblock, nyblock, NTr, xpts, ypts)
"Progress: 1 out of 1 steps."
4.281922 seconds (100.33 k allocations: 628.321 MiB, 17.13% gc time)
for 2 × 2 blocks
"Progress: 1 out of 4 steps."
"Progress: 2 out of 4 steps."
"Progress: 3 out of 4 steps."
"Progress: 4 out of 4 steps."
16.914337 seconds (401.27 k allocations: 2.007 GiB, 10.98% gc time)
Am I on the right track? I am still learning. Trying my best to find answers by myself but often find it difficult optimizing my own codes. Any form of help is appreciated.
If you find this difficult to read/understand let me know.