Solve strain for given stress in von Mises plasticity

Hi, I am trying to caculate for a given stress the corresponding strain in the Von Mises plasticity example. I know that this results in a non-linear equation.

Not notice I have the following equations:

σᵗ = C ⊡ (ϵ - ϵᵖ)
J₂ = 0.5 * dev(σᵗ) ⊡ dev(σᵗ)  # second invariant 
σᵗₑ = sqrt(3.0*J₂)   # effective trial-stress (von Mises stress)
σʸ = σ₀ + H * k
φᵗ  = σᵗₑ - σʸ # Trial-value of the yield surface

h = H + 3*G
μ =  φᵗ / h   # plastic multiplier
c1 = 1 - 3G * μ / σᵗₑ
s = c1 * dev(σᵗ)     # updated deviatoric stress
σ = s + vol(σᵗ)       # updated stress    

The only thing which I have not given is \epsilon. Now I reordered and substitute everything:

σ = (1 - 3G*((sqrt(1.5*dev(C ⊡ (ϵ - ϵᵖ)) ⊡ dev(C ⊡ (ϵ - ϵᵖ))) - (σ₀ + H * k) ) / (H + 3*G)  )/ (sqrt(1.5* dev(C ⊡ (ϵ - ϵᵖ)) ⊡ dev(C ⊡ (ϵ - ϵᵖ))))) * dev(C ⊡ (ϵ - ϵᵖ)) + vol(C ⊡ (ϵ - ϵᵖ))     

Is there a “nice” way to solve this equation somehow?