Slower summation of a series in Julia than in Python


I was doing some tests in Julia and Python and I found that the following code was much slower in Julia and I do not see why this would be the case

harmonic(k) = (-1)^k / (k + 1)

function sₙ(an, n)
    S = 0.0
    for k in 0:n
        S += an(k)
    return S

julia> @time sₙ(harmonic, 500_000)
   0.019135 seconds

In Python I used the code

def harmonic(k):
    return (-1) ** k / (k + 1)

def sum_n(an, n):
    S = 0.0
    for k in range(n+1):
        S += an(k)
    return S

def main():
    start = timeit.timeit()
    sum_n(harmonic, 500000)
    end = timeit.timeit()
    print(abs(end - start))

>>> main()

Any idea on why is this happening?

Which julia version are you running? The way your microbenchmark is structured and the output you’re getting suggests you’re accidentally including compilation time of the julia code in your measurement. Try running it a second time in the same session.

Also, since you write -1 in harmonic (a Int literal) instead of -1.0 (a floating point literal) there may be some conversion cost as well.


Indeed, just changing (-1)^k to (-1.0)^k makes the code faster.

Im running Julia 1.7. The compilation time is not included since I executed @time a second time.

However, I just tried your second suggestion and you are absolutely right. I thought that there was no cost doing (-1)^k over (-1.0)^k but it seems I got that wrong.

Seem to be even faster if you use: harmonic(k) = ifelse(isodd(k) , -1 , 1) / (k + 1)

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timeit.timeit does not work this way. Each call to timeit.timeit returns the time taken to run the command given to timeit.timeit, which in your case with timeit.timeit() is no command. So your main simply returns the difference between two calls to timeit.timeit, each of which gives the time taken to run no command at all. This probably explains why sometimes the difference is negative and you have used abs to ignore that.

To correctly calculate the time taken to run sum_n(harmonic, 500000), you need to do:

import timeit

timeit.timeit("sum_n(harmonic, 500000)", setup="""
def harmonic(k):
   return (-1) ** k / (k + 1)

def sum_n(an, n):
   S = 0.0
   for k in range(n+1):
       S += an(k)
   return S
""", number=1)

Note however that timeit.timeit by default uses many evaluations (a million) of the expression you supply, so the above would take a very long time to return. Use the number argument to timeit.timeit to get an answer in an acceptable time.

Doing that for me gives about 250 ms for the Python code above. So much slower than your original Julia.


Not a performance tip, but you can simplify sₙ function like this
sₙ(an, n) = sum(an(k) for k in 0:n)

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I can get the wrong answer even quicker !

julia> @btime sₙ(harmonic, 500_000)
  648.000 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> function sₙ(an, n)
    S = 0.0
    for k in 0:n
        @fastmath S += an(k)
    return S

julia> @btime sₙ(harmonic, 500_000)
  444.600 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

Yes, definitely do this instead of (-1.0)^k, or (-1)^k. Repeatedly calculating a power for gradually increasing exponents is needlessly wasteful. It’s nothing to do with conversion cost, just that (-1)^500_000 needs to do approximately log2(500_000) = 19 multiplications, for each iteration. It doesn’t really make any sense to redo all of those calcualations over and over.

The same goes for Python, use some version of isodd, or keep track of the previous value of (-1)^k and get the next by just multiplying by -1.

This is a common performance pitfall. Too often you can find code that implements something like \sum_{k=1}^N x^k/k! dutifully by

function slowsum(x, n)
    val = 0.0
    for i in 1:n
        val += x^i / factorial(i)
    return val

instead of

function fastsum(x, n)
    val = 0.0
    part = 1.0
    for i in 1:n
        part *= x / i
        val += part
    return val

with results like these:

1.7.2> @btime slowsum(x, 15) setup=(x=2+rand())
  377.451 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

1.7.2> @btime fastsum(x, 15) setup=(x=2+rand())
  12.613 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

Not to mention the overflow behaviour of slowsum.


The FastPow.jl package will do this transformation for you on (-1)^k if you just put @fastpow in front of your function.

Note that it’s generally even better to compute each term in a series by iteratively updating the previous term, like this:

S = 0.0
term = 1
for k = 0:n
    S += term / (k+1)
    term = -term

or you could even unroll:

S = 0.0
for k = 0:2:n
    S += inv(k+1) - inv(k+2)

These kinds of tricks become even more important for accumulating series where the terms are more complicated, e.g. `\sum_{k=0}^n z^k / k!:

S = 0.0
term = one(z) / 1
for k = 0:n
    S += term
    term *= z / (k+1)

That’s some coincidence, you chose the exact same example as I did, while we were simultaneously editing😁