Using recordframe!
gives about the same performance as plotting each frame individually, saving to png, and ffmpeg-ing it:
using CairoMakie
function draw_me(N, Z, n_frames)
tb = 1:N
tr_1 = randn(N)
tr_2 = randn(N, Z, n_frames)
# Observables give the x-coordinate of the vertical time bar
ix_t = Observable(1)
timebar_x = @lift [tb[$ix_t], tb[$ix_t]]
current_frame = @lift tr_2[:, :, $ix_t]
fig = Figure()
ax_l = Axis(fig[1, 1])
ax_c = Axis(fig[1, 2])
lines!(ax_l, tb, tr_1)
lines!(ax_l, timebar_x, [-2, 2], color=:red, linewidth=3)
contourf!(ax_c, tb, 1:Z, current_frame)
record(fig, "test.mp4", 1:n_frames,
framerate=5) do t
ix_t[] = t
function draw_me_save(N, Z, n_frames)
tb = 1:N
tr_1 = randn(N)
tr_2 = randn(N, Z, n_frames)
for ix_f ∈ 1:n_frames
timebar_x = [tb[ix_f], tb[ix_f]]
current_frame = tr_2[:, :, ix_f]
fig = Figure()
ax_l = Axis(fig[1, 1])
ax_c = Axis(fig[1, 2])
lines!(ax_l, tb, tr_1)
lines!(ax_l, timebar_x, [-2, 2], color=:red, linewidth=3)
contourf!(ax_c, tb, 1:Z, current_frame)
save("test_frame_" * lpad(ix_f, 2, "0") * ".png", fig)
println("To make movie execute:")
println("ffmpeg -framerate 5 -pattern_type glob -i 'test_frame_*.png' -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p out.mp4")
function draw_me_lowlevel(N, Z, n_frames)
tb = 1:N
tr_1 = randn(N)
tr_2 = randn(N, Z, n_frames)
fig = Figure()
ax_l = Axis(fig[1, 1])
ax_c = Axis(fig[1, 2])
l1 = lines!(ax_l, tb, tr_1)
record(fig, "test_low.mp4") do io
for ix_t ∈ 1:n_frames
timebar_x = [tb[ix_t], tb[ix_t]]
current_frame = tr_2[:, :, ix_t]
l2 = lines!(ax_l, timebar_x, [-2, 2], color=:red, linewidth=3)
c = contourf!(ax_c, tb, 1:Z, current_frame)
delete!(ax_l, l2)
delete!(ax_c, c)
println("Low-level interface")
@time draw_me_lowlevel(100, 30, 30)
println("Writing frames as png")
@time draw_me_save(100, 30, 30)
println("Observables and @lift macros")
@time draw_me(100, 30, 30)
gives me
Testing low-level
26.291187 seconds (36.92 M allocations: 2.240 GiB, 2.55% gc time, 23.76% compilation time)
Writing frames as png
To make movie execute:
ffmpeg -framerate 5 -pattern_type glob -i 'test_frame_*.png' -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p out.mp4
23.013333 seconds (48.09 M allocations: 2.580 GiB, 2.96% gc time, 1.27% compilation time)
Observables and @lift macros
46.522218 seconds (29.64 M allocations: 3.416 GiB, 1.16% gc time, 1.94% compilation time)