Sinc Interpolation based on FFT


I was trying to implement a sinc interpolation based on FFTs.

One way (as far as I know) is to zero pad the frequency spectrum and calculate the IFFT of the spectrum to get a sinc interpolated signal.

I ended up with the following implementation:

function sinc_interpolate(arr::AbstractArray{T}, new_size) where T<:Complex
    arr_f = fftshift(fft(arr))
    out_f = zeros(eltype(arr_f), new_size)
    center_set!(out_f, arr_f)
    out = ifft(ifftshift(out_f)) ./ length(arr) .* length(out_f)
    return real(out) 

center_set! is a function which sets the signal to the center of the array (in the FFT convention).
To compare the method, I also implemented a slow, sum based sinc interpolation:

function sinc_interpolate_sum(arr, new_size)
    out = zeros(eltype(arr), new_size)
    T = 1 / size(arr)[1]
    t_arr = LinRange(0, 1.0 - T, size(out)[1])
    for (j, t) in enumerate(t_arr)
        v = zero(eltype(arr))
        for n = 1:size(arr)[1]
            v += arr[n] * sinc((t - (n-1) * T) / T)
        out[j] = v
    return out

The FFT based method basically works and I’m familiar with the fact, that this kind of interpolation assumes a infinite signal and a finite frequency support.

However, I observe certain artifacts with simple examples:

#prepare x pos and function
xs_low = LinRange(0, 16Ď€ - 16Ď€/140, 140)
f(x) = sin(0.5*x) + cos(x) + cos(2 * x) + sin(0.25*x)

#calculate low resolution
arr_low = f.(xs_low)

N = 1000
xs_interp = LinRange(0, xs_low[end], N)
arr_interp = sinc_interpolate(arr_low, N)
arr_interp_s = sinc_interpolate_sum(arr_low, N)

We can plot everything:

scatter(xs_low, arr_low, legend=:bottomleft, markersize=2, label="data")
plot!(xs_interp, arr_interp, label="FFT sinc interp")
plot!(xs_interp, arr_interp_s, label="sum sinc interp")	

We see that the FFT based curve (orange) seems to have a slight, growing offset despite I’ve chosen the data arr_low to be periodic.

My questions would be:

  • Is this shift due to the finite signal?
  • Can we fix this shift somehow? For example, by stretching the signal, it fits better.
  • Is this even a proper sinc interpolation? Of course, I was searching in the web, but I often find vague, unprecise information :confused: People mention sometimes the aliased sinc or dirichlet kernel. Can anybody refer a good theoretical resource?




Haven’t looked at the code closely, but usually when working with periodic functions you don’t want to include both endpoints in the interval


Hm, I tried that. First I redefined xs_low to be over the full interval:

xs_low = LinRange(0, 16Ď€, 140)

Re-running the interpolation with your hints, returns the following:

xs_interp = LinRange(xs_low[2], xs_low[end-1], N)
arr_interp = sinc_interpolate(arr_low[2:end-1], N)

So there is still this offset.


The way I’ve used Fourier interpolation in the past is

x_low = range(a, b, length=N_low+1)[1:N_low]
x_high = range(a, b, length=N_high+1)[1:N_high]
f_low = f.(x_low)
# fft f_low, pad with zeros to N_high, ifft back, get f on `x_high`

The math of this is that, by unitarity, the fft of f_low gets you the Fourier coefficients of the only Fourier series that passes through the points (x_low, f_low). Then padding with zeros and iffting back is simply the evaluation of that Fourier series. In order for the formulas to match, the x_low and x_high have to be as above.


Thanks, your suggestion works.

Just for completeness, the full code of my example:

function sinc_interpolate_sum(arr, new_size)
    out = zeros(eltype(arr), new_size)
    T = 1 / size(arr)[1]
    t_arr = range(0, 1.0, length=size(out)[1]+1)[1:size(out)[1]]
    for (j, t) in enumerate(t_arr)
        v = zero(eltype(arr))
        for n = 1:size(arr)[1]
            v += arr[n] * sinc((t - (n-1) * T) / T)
        out[j] = v
    return out

	N_low = 128
	x_min = 0.0
	x_max = 16Ď€
	xs_low = range(x_min, x_max, length=N_low+1)[1:N_low]
	f(x) = sin(0.5*x) + cos(x) + cos(2 * x) + sin(0.25*x)
	arr_low = f.(xs_low)

	N = 1000
	xs_interp = range(x_min, x_max, length=N+1)[1:N]
	arr_interp = sinc_interpolate(arr_low, N)

	N2 = 1000
	xs_interp_s = range(x_min, x_max, length=N2+1)[1:N2]
	arr_interp_s = FFTInterpolations.sinc_interpolate_sum(arr_low, N2)

	scatter(xs_low, arr_low, legend=:bottomleft, markersize=2, label="data")
	plot!(xs_interp, arr_interp, label="FFT sinc interp")
	plot!(xs_interp_s, arr_interp_s, label="sum sinc interp")	

Thanks for your help!


Maybe a extra question you know:

Sometimes I find the information, that for a even FFT, people not only zero pad, but also modify the first non-zero positive frequency to achieve the Hermitian property.
If the padded spectrum would be: [0 0 C* B* A B 0 0] they instead calculate the IFT of [0 0 C*/2 B* A B C*/2 0].

When doing sinc interpolation with the FFT there are some subtle technicalities that have to be considered. I don’t remember the math off the top of my head, it has to do with a re-scaling of the first and last samples of the sequence in the time domain. All the details are in these paper:

Schanze, Thomas. “Sinc interpolation of discrete periodic signals.” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 43.6 (1995): 1502-1503.

Candocia, Frank, and Jose C. Principe. “Comments on” Sinc interpolation of discrete periodic signals." IEEE Transactions on signal processing 46.7 (1998): 2044-2047.


Thanks for the papers, I’ll check them out!

It’s equivalent to taking the real part of the output array, so there’s no specific need for it unless you use the real versions of the fft. Should only be necessary if super sampling from an odd to an even grid or something like that.

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You may want to try this on a windowed signal where the signal at both ends is attenuated to zero by some smooth function. The easiest would be a Gaussian window. The periodization of the windowed signal should provide better results.

For a finite bounded signal like this, something like Chebyshev polynomials would provide a better basis than periodic functions. For example see:


@roflmaostc, you did not seem to provide the center_set! function to reproduce the results.
In code snippet below the sinc interpolation function uses fftshift. It seems to work fine for even number of samples (both input and output). Did not figure out now how to extend this function to arbitrary parity.

using FFTW, Plots

function sinc_interpolate(arr, new_size::Int)   # for IO with even number of samples
    n = length(arr)
    arr_f = fft(arr)
    arr_f[nĂ·2+1] = 0.5*(arr_f[nĂ·2] + arr_f[nĂ·2+2])  #to minimize FFT artifacts
    arr_f = fftshift(arr_f)
    k = (new_size - n + 1) Ă· 2
    arr_f = [zeros(k,1); arr_f; zeros(k,1)]
    return new_size/n * ifft(fftshift(arr_f))[1:new_size] 

# Signal at low sampling rate
n = 128  # even number of samples
t0, t1 = 0, 16Ď€
xs_low = LinRange(t0, t1, n+1)[1:n]
f(x) = sin(0.5*x) + cos(x) + cos(2 * x) + sin(0.25*x)
arr_low = f.(xs_low)  # evaluate f at low sampling rate

# Sinc interpolation
new_size = 500   # even number of samples
xs_interp = LinRange(t0, t1, new_size + 1)[1:new_size]
arr_interp = real(sinc_interpolate(arr_low, new_size))

scatter(xs_low, arr_low, legend=:bottomleft, markersize=2, label="input data")
plot!(xs_interp, real.(arr_interp), label="FFT sinc interp")



Sorry, you can find it here, it calls a few extra functions:


@roflmaostc, thank you for sharing the functions to get the indices around the center for general case. Based on your code, and for 1D arrays, a standalone sinc_interpol() function may be written as follows:

function sinc_interpol(arr, ns::Int)
    n = length(arr)
    arr_f = fftshift(fft(arr))
    c = ns + isodd(n) - isodd(ns)
    x = (c - n) Ă· 2
    a, b = 1 + x, c - x
    out = fill(0.0im, ns, 1)
    out[a:b] = arr_f
    return ifft(ifftshift(out)) * ns/n

A short remark, ifftshift is always needed not only for ns being odd.

I’m probably going to push the working code for N-d arrays soon to a repository. But before I want to check the referenced papers above.

Sorry, I agree that the remark was not clear, what I meant is why ifftshit is needed and not fftshift. From the help file: “For even N this is equivalent to swapping the first and second halves, so fftshift and ifftshift are the same.”. PS: I have edited it now.

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I guess it’s always better to use fftshift to shift the center frequency to the center position.
And ifftshift to shift the center frequency back from the center to the top left corner.
Once memorized, you’re never confused about that anymore :joy:

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I uploaded the code to GitHub

Maybe we can join efforts, the basic code already works, but so far I haven’t implement the different sum algorithms from the paper above.

The examples folder contains the plot example from above.

If I get you correctly, what you want is to interpolate the signal in the spectrum.

Many years ago I derived it. I don’t have the code in Julia, Back then I only used MATLAB.
But it will be easy to convert:

function [ vX ] = SincInterpolationDft( vXDft, numSamplesTime )
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% [ vX ] = SincInterpolationDft( vXDft, numSamplesTime )
% Applies Sinc interpolation to the input signal while preserving the
% Parseval Theorem energy.
% Input:
%   - vXDft             -   DFT Samples.
%                           The DFT samples of the vector to be
%                           interpolated.
%                           Structure: Vector (numSamples x 1).
%                           Type: 'Single' / 'Double' (Complex).
%                           Range: (-inf, inf).
%   - numSamplesTime    -   Number of Samples in Time.
%                           The number of samples of the output in time.
%                           Structure: Scalar.
%                           Type: 'Single' / 'Double'.
%                           Range: {1, 2, 3, ...}.
% Output:
%   - vX                -   Output Vector.
%                           The interpolated vector samples in time.
%                           Equivalent to be interpolated by Sinc (Actually
%                           by Dirichlet Kernel).
%                           Structure: Vector (numSamplesTime x 1).
%                           Type: 'Single' / 'Double'.
%                           Range: (-inf, inf).
% References:
%   1.  A.
% Remarks:
%   1.  The samples are assumed to be in [0, 2 pi) range (Namely the output
%       of `fft()` with no `fftshift()`).
%   2.  The function takes care of the even and odd case of the samples. It
%       assumes the original signal was real hence keeps on hermitian
%       symmetry and the Parseval Theorem.
%   3.  In order to utilize the interpolation the number of the samples in
%       time must be larger than the input. Namely 'numSamplesTime >
%       size(vXDft, 1)'.
%   1.  
%   Release Notes:
%   -   1.0.001     29/12/2020  Royi Avital
%       *   Updated to modern MATLAB.
%   -   1.0.000     20/01/2009  Royi Avital
%       *   First release version.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %

    vXDft (:, 1) {mustBeNumeric}
    numSamplesTime (1, 1) {mustBeNumeric, mustBeReal, mustBePositive, mustBeLonger(numSamplesTime, vXDft)}
    % numSamplesTime (1, 1) {mustBeNumeric, mustBeReal, mustBePositive}

numSamples = length(vXDft);

if(numSamplesTime <= numSamples)
    vX = ifft(vXDft, numSamplesTime);

if (mod(numSamples, 2) ~= 0) % Odd number of samples
    vXDftInt = (numSamplesTime / numSamples) * [vXDft(1:ceil(numSamples / 2)); zeros(numSamplesTime - numSamples, 1, 'like', vXDft); vXDft((ceil(numSamples / 2) + 1):numSamples)];
else % Even number of samples -> Special Case
    vXDftInt = (numSamplesTime / numSamples) * [vXDft(1:(numSamples/2)); vXDft((numSamples / 2) + 1) / 2; zeros(numSamplesTime - numSamples - 1, 1, 'like', vXDft); vXDft((numSamples / 2) + 1) / 2; vXDft(((numSamples / 2) + 2):numSamples)];
vX = ifft(vXDftInt);


function [ ] = mustBeLonger( numSamples, vX )
    if(numSamples < size(vX, 1))
        eid = 'mustBeLonger:numSamplesMustBeLonger';
        msg = 'The number of smples of the output must be at lest the number of samples of the input';
        throwAsCaller(MException(eid, msg));

The idea is to keep the conjugate symmetry and the Parseval Theorem.
Both means that in the case of even number of samples you split the element of the highest frequency.
If you impose both constraints, you’d see this is the solution.

Somewhere I also have the case for less samples. I have to find it.


Probably not what you want - but I remember stumbling on this a while ago, cool 1 liner

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It’s funny that you share this because what my code currently does, is the function FourierUpsample below :smiley:

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