Simulation example fail

Hi all, I just fired up Julia for the first time. My goal is to use the JEMSS package for research purposes.

First of all,I could install and run JEMSS.

But,When I ran the Auckland City’s data with the file name unchanged but replaced it with data from a Japanese city, I got the following error.

julia> using JEMSS

julia> include(joinpath(JEMSS.jemssDir, “example/example.jl”))

Loading sim.

ERROR: LoadError: AssertionError: 1 <= ix && (ix <= grid.nx && (1 <= iy && iy <= grid.ny))


[1] locationToGridIndex(map::Map, grid::Grid, location::Location)

@ JEMSS C:\Users\natsuhikohara.julia\packages\JEMSS\3snbw\src\types\grid.jl:23

[2] findNearestNode(map::Map, grid::Grid, nodes::Vector{Node}, location::Location)

@ JEMSS C:\Users\natsuhikohara.julia\packages\JEMSS\3snbw\src\types\grid.jl:47

[3] initSim(configFilename::String; allowResim::Bool, createBackup::Bool, allowWriteOutput::Bool, doPrint::Bool)

@ JEMSS C:\Users\natsuhikohara.julia\packages\JEMSS\3snbw\src\run_config.jl:293

[4] initSim(configFilename::String)

@ JEMSS C:\Users\natsuhikohara.julia\packages\JEMSS\3snbw\src\run_config.jl:39

[5] top-level scope

@ C:\Users\natsuhikohara.julia\packages\JEMSS\3snbw\example\example.jl:4

[6] include(fname::String)

@ Base.MainInclude .\client.jl:451

[7] top-level scope

@ REPL[6]:1

in expression starting at C:\Users\natsuhikohara.julia\packages\JEMSS\3snbw\example\example.jl:4

Any help to fix this or to increase my understanding is highly appreciated.

Maybe you could ask the author via GitHub: Issues · uoa-ems-research/JEMSS.jl · GitHub

The error message doesn’t give enough detail to say for sure what is going on. Does the Auckland example work? Could it be that something is wrong with the configuration for Japanese cites, e.g. that some grid data couldn’t be loaded?

Dear Stefffen,

I appreciate your quick reply and support.
What a coincidence!I have read your profile,
I’m a graduate student at Kyoto University too.

Maybe you could ask the author via GitHub: Issues · uoa-ems-research/JEMSS.jl · GitHub

Oh, Excuse me. I’ll try to ask the author too.

The error message doesn’t give enough detail to say for sure what is going on.

To be honest, I don’t know how to describe the details because I have too little programming knowledge.

Does the Auckland example work?
Yes,I could.

Could it be that something is wrong with the configuration for Japanese cites, e.g. that some grid data couldn’t be loaded?

I agree with you.
There is a CSV that specifies latitude and longitude, but I am guessing that this is not being entered properly.

I tried typing the following here and it did not work.
xMin xMax yMin yMax xScale yScale
141.142 141.494 42.936 43.219 88.99 111.32

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