I am trying to find some simpler syntax for variable type converters. In my scripts, I have been declaring variables for controlling the behavior like this:
FFT_Size = 128
I may then use this variable to control loops, create arrays, etc. The problem is that the numbers are treated as floats and I need them to be integers. For example in C, if I assign a float to an int, it will auto truncate the value. In many cases I need to divide this control variable by an integer.
For example:
Data = Array{Complex64}(convert(UInt32,floor(FFT_Size/2)))
I would like to simple do something like this:
Data = Array{Complex64}(FFT_Size/2)
In this case I am simple trying initialize an array of complex numbers with a length of the FFT_Size. I am sure there is a much simpler way of achieving this.
It does not seem like globals can have a type assigned like this:
Lastly it seems if I doing something like this:
a = 128::Int
the expression
a/2 or a/2::Int
will always yield a Float64
I often have to create new arrays where the length is dependent on some prior computation. Maybe I am simply approaching this incorrectly?
128 is an integer, and is treated as such. If you want a floating point number, you have to write 128.0. That’s not your problem. What is hitting you is that / does ‘floating point division’. It has to, otherwise 1/2 wouldn’t give you 0.5.
As @stillyslalom says, in order to keep the output as integers you have to explicitly ask for it, by using integer division, div.
Note that you can use a::Int = 128 to ensure that a stays as an integer. In this case if you do floating point division you might run into some InexactErrors. For example
julia> function div2(a)
b::Int = a
b = b/2
return b
div2 (generic function with 1 method)
julia> div2(128)
julia> div2(129)
ERROR: InexactError: Int64(Int64, 64.5)
[1] Type at ./float.jl:692 [inlined]
[2] convert at ./number.jl:7 [inlined]
[3] div2(::Int64) at ./REPL[10]:3
[4] top-level scope at none:0