I really have the feeling that this is something trivial, since I am doing the same setup/teardown as I found here: https://github.com/Keno/StructIO.jl/issues/13 but that approach does not work to rewind the file before each step.
So I’d like to do some performance studies on parsing binary data and created an MWE:
using BenchmarkTools
struct Foo
const fname = "test.dat"
write(fname, [Foo(1, 2)])
function read_io(io::IOStream, t::T) where T
a = read(io, Int32)
b = read(io, Int32)
t(a, b)
const fobj = open(fname, "r")
@show read_io(fobj, Foo)
@time read_io(fobj, Foo)
@btime read_io($fobj, Foo) setup=seekstart($fobj)
This throws an
> julia mwe.jl
read_io(fobj, Foo) = Foo(1, 2)
0.000005 seconds (5 allocations: 176 bytes)
ERROR: LoadError: EOFError: read end of file
Now my simple question: shouldn’t setup=seekstart($fobj)
rewind the file before each test? How do I benchmark this?