Setting a small case in PowerModels as m file

hello there,

I want to test a small 3 bus system on PowerModels and I had to modify the case5.m into case3.m since there was no smaller system than 5 bus network
however I get this error when I run my julia file with the case3.m
“LoadError: BoundsError: attempt to access 6-element Array{Int64,1} at index [5:24]”
This is my network snap
and These are the contents of my 3 bus network m file

function mpc = case3

%% MATPOWER Case Format : Version 2
mpc.version = '2';

%%-----  Power Flow Data  -----%%
%% system MVA base
mpc.baseMVA = 100;

%% bus data
%	bus_i	type	Pd	Qd	Gs	Bs	area	Vm	Va	baseKV	zone	Vmax	Vmin
mpc.bus = [
	1	3	0	0	0	0	1	1	0	230	1	1.1	0.9;
	2	1	400	250	0	0	1	1	0	230	1	1.1	0.9;
	3	2	0	0	0	0	1	1	0	230	1	1.1	0.9;

%% generator data
%	bus	Pg	Qg	Qmax	Qmin	Vg	mBase	status	Pmax	Pmin	Pc1	Pc2	Qc1min	Qc1max	Qc2min	Qc2max	ramp_agc	ramp_10	ramp_30	ramp_q	apf
mpc.gen = [
	1	40	0	30	-30	1	100	1	40	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0;
	1	170	0	127.5	-127.5	1	100	1	170	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0;
	3	323.49	0	390	-390	1	100	1	520	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0;

%% branch data
%	fbus	tbus	r	x	b	rateA	rateB	rateC	ratio	angle	status	angmin	angmax
mpc.branch = [
	1	2	0.02	0.04	0.00712	400	400	400	0	0	1	-30	30;
	1	3	0.01	0.03	0.03126	0	0	0	0	0	1	-30	30;
	2	3	0.0125	0.025	0.01852	0	0	0	0	0	1	-30	30;


%%-----  OPF Data  -----%%
%% generator cost data
%	1	startup	shutdown	n	x1	y1	...	xn	yn
%	2	startup	shutdown	n	c(n-1)	...	c0
mpc.gencost = [
	1	0	0	10	0	0;
	1	0	0	0	0	0;
	1	0	0	50	0	0;

Please read the first post of Please read: make it easier to help you - #81 and provide a reproducible example, including a simplified version of the code the reproduces the error, and the full text of the error message.

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In the example you give the generator cost information is not following the Matpower specification. Something like this should work,

mpc.gencost = [
	2	0	0	3	10	0	0;
	2	0	0	3	0	0	0;
	2	0	0	3	50	0	0;

I can also recomend you have look at,, as a source of high quality transmission network cases.

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Thank you @ccoffrin
I took this link as my reference and put 1 for a linear gen cost function, but I tried yours and it worked…It means choosing a polynomial and teh putting my a coefficient and other coefficents as zero

Description of caseformat.