I’ve implemented a neighbourhood search technique wherein I deepcopy the original model, hot-start it and then solve it repeatedly. While the first iteration went smooth, during the second iteration however, I get this error while solving the modified MIP
ERROR: LoadError: BoundsError: attempt to access 15469-element Array{Float64,1} at index [15470]
[1] set_constrLB!(::CPLEX.Model, ::Array{Float64,1}) at /home/user/.julia/v0.6/CPLEX/src/cpx_constrs.jl:243
[2] setconstrLB!(::CPLEX.CplexMathProgModel, ::Array{Float64,1}) at /home/user/.julia/v0.6/CPLEX/src/CplexSolverInterface.jl:123
[3] #build#119(::Bool, ::Bool, ::JuMP.ProblemTraits, ::Function, ::JuMP.Model) at /home/user/.julia/v0.6/JuMP/src/solvers.jl:337
[4] (::JuMP.#kw##build)(::Array{Any,1}, ::JuMP.#build, ::JuMP.Model) at ./<missing>:0
[5] #solve#116(::Bool, ::Bool, ::Bool, ::Array{Any,1}, ::Function, ::JuMP.Model) at /home/user/.julia/v0.6/JuMP/src/solvers.jl:168
I’m not sure where the error is. Besides, the error is thrown after the MIP is passed to the solver.