Anyone thought about making Julia available on serverless framework?
There’s GitHub - samoconnor/AWSLambda.jl: AWS Lambda interface for Julia but I haven’t used it personally.
Yes, I’m aware of that.
Serverless is an abstraction over any cloud, however. It would also be really nice to get Julia out there from a marketing perspective
It’s so weird, I was looking for exactly that like 4 days ago. Yea… This would be mighty nice…
I am assuming that OpenWhisk, Fn and OpenFaaS project might have a sub-repo, for the Julia’s template. If you are targeting something around standardization - consider this
In any case: I wonder if both micro-services and serverless functions could be implemented, auto-tested and deployed during workshops, at the conf:
I feel some inertia here
Please vote
Minor update: it is now possible to create custom function on azure. Though, there are no samples for julia, but only for r and go, it is possible to adapt them for julia. So, it is now possible to build azure serverless with julia.
Here is outline:
Overall process of writing custom azure function described here:
Working with Azure Functions in containers | Microsoft Learn?
Here is example (prototype, proof of concept). We create custom image (based on python image, but it probably could be any, lean base image):
COPY context/ .
RUN tar zxvf julia-1.6.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
ENV PATH="${PATH}:/julia-1.6.0/bin"
RUN julia -e "using Pkg; Pkg.add(\"Genie\")"
#EXPOSE 8080 80
CMD [ "/azure-functions-host/Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Script.WebHost" ]
Now, some simple web server (server.jl):
using Genie
import Genie.Router: route
import Genie.Renderer.Json: json
const PORT = parse(Int64, get(ENV, "FUNCTIONS_CUSTOMHANDLER_PORT", "8080"))
Genie.config.run_as_server = true
Genie.config.server_port = PORT
route("/api/order") do
(:message => "order at api") |> json
route("/order") do
(:message => "just order") |> json
Config files are all default except for host.json, where we need to start julia with our server:
"customHandler": {
"description": {
"defaultExecutablePath": "/julia-1.6.0/bin/julia",
"workingDirectory": "",
"arguments": ["server.jl"]
"enableForwardingHttpRequest": true
This is all. And here is how it looks:
Hello, I managed to get a couple of fairly intensive Azure Function Apps. I created a template for myself that I use to start new projects. This includes
- An example on setting up an HTTP endpoint that forwards requests to a storage queue,
- A PyCall powered module to access blob storage, (and a safe way to use PyCall while multithreading)
- A proven-out path to use PackageCompiler.jl for large projects with a lot of dependencies (such as projects that depend on Flux.jl or DifferentialEquations.jl).
You can access the repo here. I hope this can help out other people trying to deploy Julia code in this manner.