I have defined a struct MyType and the corresponding method copy(a::MyType).
Now I would like to have a method to copy an Array of MyType, applying this method to each element of the array. What is the proper Julian way of doing it?
I have defined a struct MyType and the corresponding method copy(a::MyType).
Now I would like to have a method to copy an Array of MyType, applying this method to each element of the array. What is the proper Julian way of doing it?
RecursiveArrayTools.jl recursivecopy
. Add a dispatch for your MyType
Your code below:
function recursivecopy(a)
recursivecopy(a::Union{SVector,SMatrix,SArray,Number}) = copy(a)
function recursivecopy(a::AbstractArray{T,N}) where {T<:Number,N}
function recursivecopy(a::AbstractArray{T,N}) where {T<:AbstractArray,N}
Here, none of the specific methods appears to be applicable to MyType.
So I would extend it like this:
function recursivecopy(a::AbstractArray{T,N}) where {T::MyType,N}
function recursivecopy(a::MyType)
Is that correct?
Meaning if I don’t have nested arrays I don’t actually call any of your code, but your code shows me how to implement the function.
Thank you!
Yup that’s the right way to do it. Or just add a dispatch to copy
for you type, and it’ll automatically find it when it recurses.
I wanna add this to Base sometime.
That’s actually what I have already done, here I put myspecialcopy(a)
just to show that it’s not the standard copy
Alternatively, wouldn’t copy.(a)
Only if you have one level. FWIW, I want recursive broadcasting too.
By the sounds of it OP only has one level
For what I asked – yes, copy.(a)
would work. Well, that’s that simple.