I have a type that looks like
struct A{X1<:AbstractArray, X2<:AbstractArray}
a = A([1, 2], [1 2; 3 4])
b = A([1, 4], [-1 2; -3 4])
and I’d like to extend broadcasting such that, for example, a .= b .- a
is equivalent to
a.x1 .= b.x1 .- a.x1
a.x2 .= b.x2 .- a.x2
Is there any example I can follow to do this? I don’t need to combine broadcasting of objects of type A
with objects of other types.
you should switch to “mutable struct” then.
I don’t need to change x1
or x2
, only their content.
Yes, I’ve seen that and it was very helpful when I just needed to forward broadcasting to a single wrapped array (although even then I had to look at the code of StaticArrays
to make it work well because for example it does not mention that it’s a good idea to add a new method to Base.dataids
like here: StaticArrays.jl/SizedArray.jl at b150a8c0eeca4b886a02f2ffb16406653a6aa054 · JuliaArrays/StaticArrays.jl · GitHub ). That’s why I was hoping to just work using a full existing implementation.
Thanks, I didn’t notice that thread. I’ll try something out.
For future reference: I finally managed to do what I wanted to do here: Copy and broadcasting for ProductRepr by mateuszbaran · Pull Request #336 · JuliaManifolds/Manifolds.jl · GitHub and it works well enough for me. I hope it’s a good reason to post in this (very old) thread
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