Selector syntax in the Cascadia package

I’m doing a bit of webscraping, patterned after that in the DataDepsGenerators package, using Gumbo and Cascadia. I don’t quite understand the syntax of the selector expressions in Cascadia and I haven’t been able to find any descriptions, either in Cascadia.jl or in the original package for Go. I want to select elements of the form

  <div id="articleTitle">
        Multimodal character viewpoint in quoted dialogue sequences
  <div id="authorString">
          Kashmiri Stec, Mike Huiskes, Martijn Wieling, Gisela Redeker

I can use something like

julia> first(eachmatch(Selector("""[id="authorString"]"""), art144.root))
<div id="authorString">
    Kashmiri Stec, Mike Huiskes, Martijn Wieling, Gisela Redeker

but that is just groping around in the dark if I don’t know the syntax.

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Okay I am beginning to understand that this is a CSS selector syntax

Have you tried