The API looks pretty straightforward. I wonder how it compares to Cascadia.jl which was the first library I encountered way back when I first tried to do DOM queries with CSS selectors in Julia.
Yes, Cascadia.jl provides a similar set of features, though relies on Gumbo.jl, which according to the upstream C lib that it uses
This project has been unmaintained since 2016 and should not be used.
So it’ll just depend on whether a user is willing to use an unmaintained dependency or not for their particular use case, sometimes it doesn’t matter, sometimes it does This was the main reason I initially wrapped a new lib rather than just using what already exists.
Hi @mike this seems quite nice. I didn’t fully understand whether this can somehow be used to parse CSS stylesheets from String/file.
Is this something already possible with the current package or some functionality needs to be added (it seems the original C library should be capable of doing so)
It would need to be added to Lexbor.jl. As you say, and from what I understand, it already exists in the C lib. Currently, I do not need CSS parsing, but I would be happy to review any PRs that implement it. Ideally eventually, the entire C API will be supported, but it’s a large task