using the Functor package I quickly found how to search by value type, but not by key.
Is it possible to do this (ie search by key) in some way or with the help of another package?
julia> nt=(gr='a',f1=1, f2=(gr='b', f21=21))
(gr = 'a', f1 = 1, f2 = (gr = 'b', f21 = 21))
julia> using Functors
julia> fmap(x->[99],nt, exclude= v -> v isa Char)
(gr = [99], f1 = 1, f2 = (gr = [99], f21 = 21))
julia> fmap(uppercase,nt, exclude= v -> v isa Char)
(gr = 'A', f1 = 1, f2 = (gr = 'B', f21 = 21))