Hi, I am wondering whether there is a way to get a list of agents by their type?
For example if there are two types of agents
mutable struct Casualty <: AbstractAgent
mutable struct Rescuer <: Abstract Agent
I am able to get keyset of all agents in a model provided Schedulers.fastest
is used through the following syntax, ids = model.scheduler(model)
. However if I were to use Schedulers.by_type
instead, I am wondering how would I go about getting a keyset pertaining to one type of agent (note for the latter model.scheduler(model)
ends up with a Method error.
function main2()
model = AgentBasedModel(
Union{Casualty, Rescuer},
scheduler = Schedulers.by_type,
for id = 1:5
pos = random_position(model)
init_pos = (775, 775, 0.0)
casualty = Casualty(id, pos, rand([1,2,3]), true, false,false, false, false, false, false)
rescuer = rescuer = Rescuer(id + 5, init_pos, "inactive", (0, 0, 0.) ,Array{Casualty}([]))
add_agent_pos!(casualty, model)
add_agent_pos!(rescuer, model)
return model
#get a keyset of a specific agent ?
ids = model.scheduler(model)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching by_type(::AgentBasedModel{Agents.OSM.OpenStreetMapSpace, Union{Casualty, Rescuer}, typeof(Agents.Schedulers.by_type), Nothing, Random.TaskLocalRNG})