Saving values from GPU during Euler stepping in ODE

Dear all,

I have written a simple Euler stepping algorithm for a particular problem which runs on GPU. The vector y_current is big (~200_000) and it is updated like y_current .= y_current .+ dt * RHS. A working example can be found here. It was done in ArrayFire. I have a working example in CLArrays but it is 10x slower.

I can’t save every step in a matrix because I need a lot of steps. Instead, I want to record sum(y_current) at every step. However, including a save mechanism slows down the whole thing 50 times and it is not useful then.

Hence, I am doing something like

for ii=1:10000
     #save data, a is own by the GPU
     a[ii] = sum(y_current)

Not being written in an array fashion, this is slow indeed.

Does anyone ones a trick to save the sum value by staying on the GPU? May be one has to write a specific kernel…

Thank you for your help and suggestions,

Best regards,

I don’t think that’s the issue here. Returning a scalar from a GPU reduction should be cheap. Why is a on the GPU you though?

The Euler step is something like

y_current .= y_current .+ dt .* (F.(y_current) .+ sum(y_current) )

Removing .+ sum(y_current) runs much faster going from 1.1s to 0.16s. It don’t expect computing a sum to be so slow.

Why is a on the GPU you though?

I thought sum(y_current) would stay on the gpu, so I initialised a on the gpu as well.

No, it’ll reduce to a scalar on the CPU. That’s why the indexing is slow.

I believe you don’t want to broadcast ArrayFire commands and let its internal memory management handle it. I think if you do that, the scalar add will be much faster?

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Blockquote I think if you do that, the scalar add will be much faster?

Indeed, it improves a bit.

Now removing the sum changes the timing from 0.85s to 0.13s.

Still, I did not expect the sum to decrease the speed like that.

Do allowslow(AFArray, false) and see if your code still runs.

I use @anon43133060 version which does not seem to have that functionality. Thank you for the suggestion.

But @anon43133060 implemented that function? Try ArrayFire.allowslow(AFArray, false)

The code was merged with official version, my branch is stale now.

@anon43133060 You mean I can use the official ArrayFire to get your code?

Main reason the sum is slow is that it stops JIT and forces evaluation of all AFArrays, even temporary.

Yes, updated description of my fork to that effect.

Oh, can we “avoid” this behaviour?

The dot product behaves the same?

Then using u*y_current with u=ones(AFArray,1,N) is faster than sum (I tried)… :joy:

Can you post the full CLArray version? I can see if I can make it faster :slight_smile:

I can already tell you that I made a mistake. It is not that slow compared to ArrayFire…

using CLArrays, GPUArrays
const TY  = Float32
# using ProgressMeter, StatsBase, Distributions, JLD

const N     = 200_000
const w     = TY(1.0)
const H0    = TY(2.)
const Iext  = TY(1.0)

F(v::TY) = Iext - v*0.1f0
f(v::TY) = max(v-0.2f0,0f0).^20

# F(v) = Iext - v*0.1
# f(v) = max(v-0.2,0).^20

function clstep!(y_current,rates,kappa,dt,a,ii,rnd_cl)
	kappa     .= sqrt.(2 * H0 * sum(rates,1)/N) .* w
	y_current .= y_current .+ dt .* (F.(y_current) .+ kappa)
	rates     .= f.(y_current)
	y_current .= y_current .* (rates .< -log.(rnd_cl) ./dt )
	if mod(ii,500) == 0

function euler_cl(T::TY,dt::TY,n::Int32,y0, plot_ = false)
    println("\n--> Euler algo, up to T = ",n*dt)
    n = min(n,Int(ceil(T/dt)))
    y_current = copy(y0)
    rndcl     = copy(y0) # to hold randomness
    rates     = f.(y_current)
    kappa     = sqrt.(2 * H0 * sum(rates,1)/N) .* w
    nb_jumps  = 0
	y_current .= y_current .+ dt .* (F.(y_current) .+ kappa)
	println("OK for Euler step")	

    # variables for saving data
    tout = TY[]
    a = TY[]
    for ii=1:n
        # @show ii
        # save data

    return tout,a

xc0 = rand(TY,N) |> CLArray;
@show typeof(xc0)

parms = TY.([0., 0.])
dt = TY(1./(5.4N))
t,a_tot = euler_cl(TY(5.5),dt*2,Int32(10),xc0);
t,a_tot = @time euler_cl(TY(5.5),dt,Int32(1000),xc0,false);

Okay I got it a bit faster:

Initial version: 2.363006s

1.0s → Insert forgotten points (meaning only partially fused kernels, and tmp allocations)
0.7s → using sum(x) instead of sum(x, 1), possibly doesn’t generalize anymore? But the current version was 1D anyways
0.4s → moving everything into one gpu kernel

final version:

function clstep!(state, randstate, ratesum, kappa, y_current, rates, dt)
    i = @linearidx(y_current, state)
    yi = y_current[i] # create tmp variables to not needlessly access array multiple times
    ytmp = yi + dt * (F(yi) + kappa)
    rate = (rates[i] = f(ytmp))
    rnd = GPUArrays.gpu_rand(Float32, state, randstate)
    y_current[i] = ytmp * (rate < -log(rnd) / dt)

function euler_cl(T::TY,dt::TY,n::Int32,y0, plot_ = false)
    println("\n--> Euler algo, up to T = ",n*dt)
    n = min(n,Int(ceil(T/dt)))
    y_current = copy(y0)
    rndcl     = copy(y0) # to hold randomness
    rates     = f.(y_current)
    kappa     = sqrt.(2 * H0 * sum(rates)/N) .* w
    nb_jumps  = 0
	y_current .= y_current .+ dt .* (F.(y_current) .+ kappa)
	println("OK for Euler step")

    # variables for saving data
    tout = TY[]
    a = TY[]
    randstate = GPUArrays.cached_state(y_current)
    for ii=1:n
        ratesum = sum(rates)
        kappa = sqrt(2f0 * H0 * ratesum ./ N) .* w
        gpu_call(clstep!, y_current, (randstate, ratesum, kappa, y_current, rates, dt))
        # save data
        push!(tout, ii*dt)
    return tout, a

xc0 = rand(TY,N) |> CLArray;

parms = TY.([0., 0.])
dt = TY(1. / (5.4N))
t,a_tot = euler_cl(TY(5.5),dt*2,Int32(10),xc0);

t,a_tot = @time euler_cl(TY(5.5), dt,Int32(1000),xc0);

I removed the push!(a, kappa) since there was a type mismatch… I guess that shouldn’t change anything for the benchmarks…



@sdanisch a bit?


I thought it would be straightforward to port this example to CuArrays from CLArrays, but I’m getting some errors that a GPU newbie like myself can’t easily resolve. Is there a guide to go between the two?

Do you really mean it or rates = (rates[i] = f(ytmp))?