I am trying to save an animation using Makie.jl. I have no clue how this should work using the record method.
I manage to see the animated output in the popup, but I can nowhere find the output as an “.mp4” with the filename I have specified.
I also tried without success to use the FileIO.save function.
Does someone have a working example how this is intended to work? I am lost…
Thanks for your help
Also, are you using Makie, or using GLMakie
, or using CairoMakie
. You should not install Makie, but one of the backends. Home
Thanks. I know this link. But I don’t understand what to do. Nothing I tried worked. How do I get from this code:
import GLMakie
using Random, Colors
framerate = 24
rng = Random.default_rng()
function randomImage(rng)
M = Matrix{RGB{Float32}}(undef, 1000, 1000)
@. M = RGB(rand(rng), rand(rng), rand(rng))
return M
img = randomImage(rng)
scene = GLMakie.Scene(resolution = reverse(size(img)))
makieimg = GLMakie.image!(scene, img, show_axis = false, scale_plot = true)
timestamps = 0:1/framerate:2
record(scene, "noise_animation.mp4", timestamps) do i
img = randomImage(rng)
makieimg[1]= img
to a .mp4 file?
Ok. I tested the following, and it works. Take a look.
using GLMakie
using Random, Colors
framerate = 24
rng = Random.default_rng()
function randomImage(rng)
M = Matrix{RGB{Float32}}(undef, 500, 500)
@. M = RGB(rand(rng), rand(rng), rand(rng))
return M
img = randomImage(rng)
imgNode = Node(img)
fig = Figure(resolution = reverse(size(img)))
ax = Axis(fig)
image!(ax, imgNode, show_axis = false, scale_plot = true)
fig[1,1] = ax
timestamps = 0:1/framerate:5
record(fig, "noise_animation.mp4", timestamps) do i
imgNode[] = randomImage(rng)
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Perhaps you are not where you think you are?
are you doing this in a notebook or in the REPL?
could you do julia> pwd()
? This will show the directory where you are working, and where the file is saved.
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Oh thank you a lot. Such a stupid error. I’ve run the code completely elsewhere.