I have a )I think) very simple problem, that I have tried to find a solution for for a long time today. I always run into the same error message no matter what.
I am in a Pluto notebook and I am using WGLMakie for plots. Pluto says I am on WGLMakie v0.10.14
. Now, in some of my old codes (with GLMakie) I figured out (also a longish steep learning curve) how to record something with record
But If I do a Pluto cell with
using WGLMakie
t = 0:0.01:1
x = Observable(sin.(2π .* t))
fig, ax, plt = plot(t,x)
record(fig, "test.mp4", 1:50, framerate = 10) do i
x[] = sin.( 2π .* 1/i .* t)
I can do also the tips from this old thread but the only thing I get is
MethodError: no method matching wait_for_ready(::Nothing)
The function `wait_for_ready` exists, but no method is defined for this combination of argument types.
even when including the yield
. Is there any easy way to record an animation as mp4 with WGLMakie?