Hello, everyone. I want to announce a simple and handy package - SampledVectors.jl. SampledVector
is of limited capacity, but has unlimited logical length. If a new element pushed leads to the vector exceeding its maximum capacity, automatical downsampling will be triggered. SampledVector
can be used to record metrics, such as training loss curve in machine learning.
import Pkg; Pkg.add("SampledVectors")
Sampling and Interpolation
There are 1 exported type, SampledVectors
, and 3 important methods, push!
, sampled
and sampledindexes
using Plots
y = [cos(x^2/900) for x in 1:100]
plot(y, label="original curve")
using SampledVectors
vector = SampledVector{Float64}(20) #20 is the capacity (maximum number of stored elements)
for yy in y
push!(vector, yy)
# For visualization purposes, `sampled(vector)` would be enough when the vector is set at proper capacity.
# And it runs fast.
plot!(collect(sampledindexes(vector)), sampled(vector), color="gray", label="sampling points")
scatter!(collect(sampledindexes(vector)), sampled(vector), color="gray", label=nothing)
# `collect(vector)` can be seen as an interpolation result, but its length may be very large.
@assert length(collect(vector)) == length(y)
plot!(collect(vector), linestyle=:dash, label="basic interpolation")
# We can also use the package `Interpolations` to get a better result.
using Interpolations
sx = 1:step(vector):length(vector)
sy = sampled(vector)[1:length(sx)] #The last point may be lost
itp_cubic = CubicSplineInterpolation(sx, sy, extrapolation_bc=Line())
plot!(1:100, itp_cubic.(1:100), linestyle=:dash, label="better interpolation")
plot!(legend = :bottomleft)
If the original signal contains high frequency components, an anti-aliasing filter may be required.
using Plots
y = [cos(x^2/90000)+0.6cos(0.75x) for x in 1:1000]
plot(y, label="original curve")
using SampledVectors
vector = SampledVector{Float64}(200)
for yy in y
push!(vector, yy)
# Aliasing occurs
plot!(collect(sampledindexes(vector)), sampled(vector), color="gray", label="sampled & unfiltered")
scatter!(collect(sampledindexes(vector)), sampled(vector), color="gray", label=nothing)
using DSP
using OnlineStats
# In order to prevent aliasing, the original signal should be removed of its high-frequency components before pushed.
# Here, a moving window is used to implement an online filter.
kernel = digitalfilter(Lowpass(0.1), FIRWindow(hanning(25)))
window = MovingWindow(Float64, length(kernel))
fit!(window, repeat([0.], length(kernel))) #zero padding
vector2 = SampledVector{Float64}(200)
for yy in y
fit!(window, yy)
push!(vector2, kernel'value(window))
plot!(collect(sampledindexes(vector2)), sampled(vector2), color="orange", label="sampled & online filtered")
scatter!(collect(sampledindexes(vector2)), sampled(vector2), color="orange", label=nothing)
# Let's plot the output of the offline filter for comparison.
plot!(filt(kernel, y), color="red", label="unsampled & filtered")
plot!(legend = :bottomleft)