Hi, I’m a new Julia user and would greatly appreciate your help.
Currently, I’m running a simulation with multiple replications, as below
glob_result = []
for i in 1:n_rep
model_result = @time simulation(param)
append!(glob_result, [model_result ])
As I append the recent result to glob_result, the simulation time increases like below
1.758594 seconds (3.05 M allocations: 1.112 GiB, 11.81% gc time)
1.863981 seconds (3.05 M allocations: 1.112 GiB, 10.96% gc time)
... to
7.548435 seconds (3.05 M allocations: 1.112 GiB, 63.28% gc time)
8.421129 seconds (3.05 M allocations: 1.128 GiB, 75.80% gc time)
11.236033 seconds (3.05 M allocations: 1.143 GiB, 80.77% gc time)
20.993897 seconds (3.05 M allocations: 1.097 GiB, 86.13% gc time)
44.633841 seconds (3.05 M allocations: 1.112 GiB, 93.60% gc time)
36.744767 seconds (3.05 M allocations: 1.143 GiB, 92.03% gc time)
25.545203 seconds (3.05 M allocations: 1.112 GiB, 91.43% gc time)
43.805692 seconds (3.05 M allocations: 1.112 GiB, 91.81% gc time)
57.387221 seconds (3.05 M allocations: 1.112 GiB, 94.57% gc time)
The increasing runtime does not appear when I don’t append the simulation result to global result.
I saw some posts advising to use struct. My type of model_result is Vector{Vector{Vector{NamedArray}}}. If I make it into struct type, would it help? Or, could someone help me how I can solve this issue? Thank you very much.