Dear Julia pros, I am trying to migrate an existing application, that works just fine in 0.6.2, to 0.7 (binary installation on Linux 64bit) and I am having the following problem:
When calling SparseArrays.rowvals on the original, non-transposed matrix, everything works fine.
When calling rowvals on the transposed matrix, I am getting a LoadError.
This is the non-working example:
using LinearAlgebra
using SparseArrays
function do_something(amat::SparseMatrixCSC)
ats = Transpose(amat)
rows = SparseArrays.rowvals(ats)
return rows
toy_matrix = sparse(1.0I,3,3)
bla = do_something(toy_matrix)
It does not make any difference whether I call SparseArrays.rowvals or rowvals directly.
Any insight is welcome. Best regards, Frank