Unleashing JET.jl on my codebase tends to flood the prompt with errors due to the use of IO, DataFrames, etc…
A lot of these runtime-dispatches are okay, but some are not.
As an example, assume that I’m okay with the println
statement below, I can tag g
with a @jet_ignore
f(x) = 1 + g(x)
@jet_ignore g(x) = (println(x); x)
Regular JET.jl will fail, but a modified @report_opt could ignore any runtime-dispatches in g
, i.e.:
JET.@report_opt f(2) # reports 1 error
JET.@test_opt f(2) # test failed
@xjet f(2) # no errors detected
@test_xjet f(2) # test passed
A simple implementation of @jet_ignore/@xjet
using MacroTools
using JET
const JET_IGNORE = gensym("_jet_ignore_")
macro jet_ignore(ex)
f = splitdef(ex)
jet_ignore_f = splitdef(ex)
jet_ignore_nm = Symbol("$JET_IGNORE$(f[:name])")
f[:body] = :($jet_ignore_nm($(f[:args]...); $(f[:kwargs]...)))
jet_ignore_f[:name] = jet_ignore_nm
return quote
is_jet_ignore(frame) = startswith(string(frame.linfo.def.name), string(JET_IGNORE))
# ~JET.report_opt
function xjet(args...; kwargs...)
result = JET.report_opt(args...; kwargs...)
filter!(JET.get_reports(result)) do report
return !any(is_jet_ignore, report.vst)
# ~JET.@report_opt
macro xjet(ex0...)
return JET.InteractiveUtils.gen_call_with_extracted_types_and_kwargs(__module__, :xjet, ex0)
# ~JET.@test_opt
macro test_xjet(ex0...)
return JET.call_test_ex(:xjet, Symbol("@test_opt"), ex0, __module__, __source__)
The ability to annotate specific functions was inspired by DispatchDoctor.jl.
Like DispatchDoctor.jl, @jet_ignore works by inserting an extra function layer. In this case a function with a specific name that can be picked up and filtered out.
Does this have broader appeal?
Could/should it be part of JET.jl?
Any other comments?
ping @aviatesk