I have been using Revise.jl for a few months on VisualStudio Code (windows). Over the weekend it has stopped working and I can’t figure out why.
I’m on Julia v1.2 and Revise v2.2.2. My config/startup.jl should load Revise.
atreplinit() do repl
ENV["JULIA_REVISE"] = "manual"
@eval using Revise
@async Revise.wait_steal_repl_backend()
I’ve also tried the VSCode workaround version mentioned here.
I usually invoke my script on the VS Code REPL. e.g. include("myfile.jl")
after changing some functionality in MyPackage but now the changes are not being registered without a full recompile which is wasting lots of time.
Any suggestions on how to solve this? Thanks!