Revise.jl stopped working

I have been using Revise.jl for a few months on VisualStudio Code (windows). Over the weekend it has stopped working and I can’t figure out why.

I’m on Julia v1.2 and Revise v2.2.2. My config/startup.jl should load Revise.

atreplinit() do repl
        ENV["JULIA_REVISE"] = "manual"
        @eval using Revise
        @async Revise.wait_steal_repl_backend()

I’ve also tried the VSCode workaround version mentioned here.

I usually invoke my script on the VS Code REPL. e.g. include("myfile.jl") after changing some functionality in MyPackage but now the changes are not being registered without a full recompile which is wasting lots of time.

Any suggestions on how to solve this? Thanks!

Try update Revise.jl. Sorry no non obvious stuff from me

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Thanks but I already this.

Solution appears to be adding an explicit call Revise.Revise() in the script. Strange as this was not needed before.


My Revise is 2.3.1, hence my suggestion.

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Agree. Instead keep your Revise updated.

Yep, thanks, I did update after I posted (forgot to do it before!). But it seems the problem is more fundamental and has to do with VSCode, seehere.

Hi there, for me it is Revise.revise() (mind the lower-case r)