Reusing a JuMP `Model` for several, different optimization problems

I am using JuMP to solve many (~tens to hundreds of thousands) small integer-feasibility problems (variants of a subset sum problem). Each individual problem is parameterized by different integers but the structure is quite similar.

My initial implementation (pseudo-code here; full implementation in details below) ran something like this:

function subset_sum_variant(parameters, opt=optimizer_with_attributes(HiGHS.Optimizer, "presolve"=>"off"))
    # Step 1. instantiate a JuMP model to hold the problem
    m = Model(opt)

    # Step 2. Set up model, using `parameters` via `@variable` and `@constraint`

    # Step 3. check if feasible
    termination_status(m) == INFEASIBLE

To my surprise, I found that maybe ~40% of the time was spent in step 1, which I had thought to be near-free.
Since I’m solving these problems repeatedly and Step 1 is the same each time, I was wondering whether there’s a way to set up a Model outside to reuse in the function?
On Slack, I asked whether something like the following would be the intended way to do that:

const m = Model(optimizer_with_attributes(HiGHS.Optimizer, "presolve"=>"off"))

function solve_problem(inputs)
    # Step 2

    # Step 3
    # ...

But, @odow let me know that “This is not the way” and directed me to ask here again. Hence: what is the way? (Pragmatically, I tried the above version, which seems to work fine and indeed cuts away the instantiation time entirely?)

As more context, the crux of the issue is that initializing a Model is comparatively slow, relative to setting up and solving the problem. In absolute numbers:

julia> using Chairmarks, JuMP, HiGHS
julia> opt = optimizer_with_attributes(HiGHS.Optimizer, "presolve"=>"off")
julia> @b Model($opt)
1.459 ms (2162 allocs: 52.797 KiB)

In relative terms, this is ~45% of the total time spent for my function (3.2 ms).

Full problem details & implementation

Below is the problem I actually solve: a variant of the subset sum problem, implemented as a binary integer problem.

    solve_subset_sum_variant(Sʲs, T, R; 
        verbose::Bool = false, 
        optimizer = optimizer_with_attributes(HiGHS.Optimizer, "presolve" => "off"))

Solves the following variant of the subset sum problem, using binary integer programming.

## Problem formulation
Given a target list `T` = (T₁, …, T_N), a set of multisets `Sʲs` = {S⁽ʲ⁾}_{j=1}^{J} with 
S⁽ʲ⁾ = {s⁽ʲ⁾₁, …, s⁽ʲ⁾_{M⁽ʲ⁾}}, as well as a multiset `R` = {r₁, …, r_L}, determine if there
exist disjoint subset selections {S⁽ʲ⁾ₙ} and {Rₙ} with S⁽ʲ⁾ₙ ⊂ S⁽ʲ⁾ and Rₙ ⊂ R such that:

    ∑_{s ∈ S⁽ʲ⁾ₙ} s = tₙ + ∑_{r ∈ Rₙ} r

for all j = 1, …, J and n = 1, …, N and with ⋃ₙ S⁽ʲ⁾ₙ = S⁽ʲ⁾} and ⋃ₙ Rₙ = R (and 
S⁽ʲ⁾_n ∩ S⁽ʲ⁾_{n′} = ∅ if n ≠ n′ and similarly for R_n ∩ R_{n′}).

## Output
A two-tuple `output` with:
- `output[1] :: Bool`: whether the problem is feasible (i.e., solvable).
- `output[2] ::  Model`: the solution in binary variables `x` (into `Sʲs`) and `y` (into

## Example
julia> Sʲs = [[1, 3, 2, 1], [3, 2, 2], [1, 1, 2, 2, 1]];
julia> T = [3, 3];
julia> R = [1];
julia> solve_subset_sum_variant(Sʲs, T, R; verbose=true);
T   = [3, 3]
R   = [1]
Sʲs = [[1, 3, 2, 1], [3, 2, 2], [1, 1, 2, 2, 1]]

j = 1:
   n = 1: S[1] + S[2] = T[1] + (R[1])
          1 + 3 = 3 + (1)
   n = 2: S[3] + S[4] = T[2]
          2 + 1 = 3
j = 2:
   n = 1: S[2] + S[3] = T[1] + (R[1])
          2 + 2 = 3 + (1)
   n = 2: S[1] = T[2]
          3 = 3
j = 3:
   n = 1: S[1] + S[2] + S[3] = T[1] + (R[1])
          1 + 1 + 2 = 3 + (1)
   n = 2: S[4] + S[5] = T[2]
          2 + 1 = 3
function solve_subset_sum_variant(
            Sʲs :: AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{<:Integer}},
            T   :: AbstractVector{<:Integer},
            R   :: AbstractVector{<:Integer};
            verbose :: Bool = false,
            optimizer = optimizer_with_attributes(HiGHS.Optimizer, "presolve" => "off")

    J = length(Sʲs)
    N, Mʲs, L = length(T), length.(Sʲs), length(R)

    model = Model(optimizer)
    verbose || MOI.set(model, MOI.Silent(), true)

    @variable(model, x[1:sum(Mʲs), 1:N], Bin) # binary "indexing" into `Sʲs`
    if L ≠ 0
        @variable(model, y[1:L, 1:N], Bin) # binary "indexing" into `R`

    # constraints on `x` and `y`
    for n in 1:N
        RHS = L ≠ 0 ? T[n] + sum(y[l,n]*R[l] for l in 1:L) : AffExpr(T[n])
        for j in 1:J
            mʲ_global_idxs = sum(Mʲs[1:j-1])+1:sum(Mʲs[1:j])
            @constraint(model, sum(x[mᵍ,n]*Sʲs[j][m] 
                                   for (m,mᵍ) in enumerate(mʲ_global_idxs)) == RHS)
    for j in 1:J
        mʲ_global_idxs = sum(Mʲs[1:j-1])+1:sum(Mʲs[1:j])
        @constraint(model, sum(x[mᵍ,n] for mᵍ in mʲ_global_idxs for n in 1:N) == Mʲs[j])
        for mᵍ in mʲ_global_idxs
            @constraint(model, sum(x[mᵍ,n] for n in 1:N) == 1)

    # constraints only on `y`
    if L ≠ 0
        @constraint(model, sum(y[l,n] for l in 1:L for n in 1:N) == L)
        for l in 1:L
            @constraint(model, sum(y[l,n] for n in 1:N) == 1)

    feasible = is_solved_and_feasible(model)
    if !(feasible || termination_status(model) == INFEASIBLE)
        error(lazy"unexpected termination status: $(termination_status(m))")

    verbose && _print_subset_sum_result(model, Sʲs, T, R)

    return feasible, model

function _print_subset_sum_result(io :: IO, model :: Model, Sʲs, T, R)
    J = length(Sʲs)
    N, Mʲs, L = length(T), length.(Sʲs), length(R)

    if is_solved_and_feasible(model)
        printstyled(io, "Feasible\n"; color=:green)
        printstyled(io, "T   = ", T, "\nR   = ", R, "\nSʲs = ", Sʲs, "\n\n"; 
        x = object_dictionary(model)[:x] # into `Sʲs`
        xv = value.(x)
        yv = if L ≠ 0
            y = object_dictionary(model)[:y] # into `R`
            Matrix{Float64}(undef, 0, 0)
        for j in 1:J
            mʲ_global_idxs = sum(Mʲs[1:j-1])+1:sum(Mʲs[1:j])
            printstyled(io, "j = ", j, ":\n", color=:light_black)
            for n in 1:N
                printstyled(io, "   n = ", n, ": ", color=:light_black)
                s = ""
                v = ""
                for (m, mᵍ) in enumerate(mʲ_global_idxs)
                    if xv[mᵍ,n] > 0.5
                        s = s * (isempty(s) ? "" : " + ") * "S[$m]"
                        v = v * (isempty(v) ? "" : " + ") * string(Sʲs[j][m])
                s = *(s, " = T[", string(n), "]")
                v = *(v, " = ", string(T[n]))
                if L ≠ 0
                    for l in 1:L
                        first = true
                        if yv[l,n] > 0.5
                            if first
                                s *= " + ("
                                v *= " + ("
                                first = false
                                s *= " + "
                                v *= " + "
                            s *= "R[$l]"
                            v *= string(R[l])
                        first || (s *= ")"; v *= ")")
                println(io, s, "\n          ", v)
    elseif termination_status(model) == INFEASIBLE
        printstyled(io, "Infeasible\n"; color=:red)
function _print_subset_sum_result(model :: Model, Sʲs, T, R)
    _print_subset_sum_result(stdout, model, Sʲs, T, R)

Can you provide example input data?

A quick win is probably changing this to:

    inner = MOI.instantiate(optimizer)
    model = direct_model(inner)
    set_string_names_on_creation(model, false)

This is not the way

I said this because Model(optimizer) should not be the bottleneck. Trying to be clever by using empty! just feels like the wrong approach.

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Sure (it’s in the doc string example):

julia> Sʲs = [[1, 3, 2, 1], [3, 2, 2], [1, 1, 2, 2, 1]];
julia> T = [3, 3];
julia> R = [1];
julia> solve_subset_sum_variant(Sʲs, T, R; verbose=false);

I guess the main thing I’m not understanding is why Model(opt) is taking on the order of ms?

Your suggestion is indeed much faster (~43 μs). Why is it so much faster?

Why is it so much faster?

Because it does so many more things. It is equivalent to:

using JuMP, HiGHS
inner = MOI.Utilities.CachingOptimizer(
MOI.set(inner, MOI.RawOptimizerAttribute("presolve"), "off")
model = direct_model(inner)

You end up with two copies of the problem, one in the cache and one in HiGHS, and there is also a bridging layer (that ends up not being used).

All these extras are on by default, because we assume that most people do not care about 3ms of overhead and want the convenience of swapping solvers, bridge reformulations, etc. :smile:

But you can get very close to the solver with minimal overhead by using direct_model, and there’s no need for empty!.

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Thanks a bunch for the explanations. Is there a rule of thumb for when I might need the CachingOptimizer and bridges etc.? In this case, why don’t I need it?

You need a cache if you:

  • want to change the solver
  • want to implement a modification that the solver doesn’t support (it’s a bit moot with HiGHS, because I think I’ve wrapped everything. But some solvers like SCS doesn’t support adding constraints after solve, for example)
  • want an efficient copy_to method to begin with, at the expense of having an additional copy of the model

You need a bridge if you:

  • Use constraint types that are not natively supported by the solver. For HiGHS, this is things like indicators, SOS1 and SOS2, and constraint programming sets like AllDifferent.

If you use only HiGHS, and you are solving simple LP or MIPs, then direct mode is a good choice. But it isn’t the default because most people don’t need or care about it.

See these parts of the documentation:


Thanks a lot for taking the time to explain all this in detail: I understand much better now (and the defaults make perfect sense, yeah).
Thanks also for JuMP.jl - it’s such a powerful enabler, and allows me to explore things that otherwise would’ve been way out of scope.

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And the docs explain it really well too; thanks for those pointers also.

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