I am simulating a “mass” that obeys a law of motion. The algorithm I use to discretize to a finite grid has the property that each cell is distributed to K
others after being multiplied by something else. Formally, each x z_k is added to some y_{p_k} according to “patterns” p
(ie collections of indices).
There is an MWE below using SVector
, but that’s just for the purposes of an example, generally my type supports the relevant methods for *
, zero
, +
. K
is known statically.
This is not unlike a generalization of a sparse matrix multiplication, but with a very special index structure. I am looking for suggestions to improve it; specifically, is there a simple way to calculate a permutation of indexes in xs
so that the memory access for ys
is improved?
using StatsBase, StaticArrays, BenchmarkTools
N = 100
K = 4
M = 3
patterns = [SVector{K}(sample(1:N, 4; replace = false)...) for _ in 1:N]
xs = rand(SVector{M,Float64}, N)
ys = similar(xs)
zs = rand(SVector{K,Float64})
function combine_forward!(ys, xs::Vector{T},
zs::SVector{K}) where {T,K}
N = length(xs)
fill!(ys, zero(T))
@inbounds for (x, pattern) in zip(xs, patterns)
for (j, z) in zip(pattern, zs)
ys[j] += x * z
@btime combine_forward!(ys, xs, patterns, zs);