I often find myself with PDFs in which the physical numbering of the pages does not match the numbering of the PDF.
For example, suppose that you have a PDF in which the first twelve pages of the PDF are front matter that should be numbered with the Roman numerals i, ii, iii, ..., xi, xii
. And then, starting with the thirteenth page of the PDF, the pages should be numbered with Arabic numerals 1, 2, 3, ...
Basically, it’s the task described in this answer: metadata - How to change internal page numbers in the meta data of a PDF? - Super User
I’ve written this function:
function renumber(p::Pair{<:AbstractString, <:AbstractString},
input_filename = p[1]
output_filename = p[2]
a = read(input_filename, String)
r = r"(<<\/Type[\s]?\/Catalog[\s]?[\s\S]*?)(>>)"
s = SubstitutionString(
"/PageLabels << /Nums [ 0 << /S /r >>\n",
" % labels pages 1 to $(n-1) in small Roman numerals\n",
" $(n-1) << /S /D >>\n",
" % numbers pages $(n) to the end in Arabic numerals\n",
" ]\n",
" >>\n",
b = replace(a, r => s)
rm(output_filename; force = true, recursive = true)
open(output_filename, "w") do io
println(io, b)
return output_filename
Which can be run as such:
julia> renumber("inputfile.pdf" => "outputfile.pdf", 13)
This is pretty hacky. Is there a better way? For example, could we implement this using the PDFIO.jl package instead?