RemoteChannels and workload queue architecture

Hi, I need to implement the following architecture: my master worker receives some requests (via HTTP interface) validates the requests, makes some convertations and puts requests into a queue. Request from the queue is sent to the available worker where computations take place (do_job) and results are then sent back to the master worker and then to some output (E.x. CSV). I am also thinking about requests prioritization but for now FIFO queue is fine.
RemoteChannel seems to be the closest solution. I can set up two channels

const requests = Distributed.RemoteChannel(()->Channel{Request}(Inf))
const results = Distributed.RemoteChannel(()->Channel{Result}(Inf))
const worker_pool = WorkerPool(workers())

and use the following functions to put! requests and schedule them with remote_do do_job:

function sched_request(req::Request)
  put!(requests, req)
  @async remote_do(do_job, worker_pool)
  println("task scheduled")

@everywhere function do_job()
  req = take!(requests)
  do some computations -> res
  put!(res, results)
  @async remote_do(save_as_csv, master_worker_id)
  println(sent to master worker)

Is this RemoteChannel/put!/remote_do the proper way to deal with such workflow? In this case I have to define do_job function on all workers including master worker. However do_job is needed only on remote execution workers and save_as_csv only on master worker. Maybe there are some recommended examples of such workflow architecture?

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Nice idea! I just realized a prototype these days, which works well on the cluster. I have searched all the internet, but I did not find any existing packages about this. I want to develop and release a corresponding package. It will allocate all nodes (cross nodes, all available local and remote CPU cores) on the cluster to execute the tasks in the 'requests` (RemoteChannel). Very relative to your idea. If you (or any viewer) are interested in it, we can cooperate to develop this useful package to fill the hole of julia parallel computation for clusters.

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If you need some collaborator, I could help :v:

Great! I’ll invite you as soon as I’m done with my duties for the time being.