RemoteChannel and usage of put! and take! on the same process

using Distributed

addprocs(2, exeflags="--project")

@everywhere begin

function update_remote_counter(remote_counter::RemoteChannel, update_count::Int)


put!(remote_counter, old_value + update_count)

return nothing


function uses_ts(training_step)

training_step_ = 0

while training_step_ < 10000

training_step_ = fetch(training_step)

println("From user", training_step_)


return true


function changes_ts(training_step)

training_step_ = 0

while training_step_ < 10000

training_step_ += 1

update_remote_counter(training_step, 1)

println("From changer", training_step_)


return true



training_step = RemoteChannel(()->Channel{Int}(1))

put!(training_step, 0)

u = @spawnat :any uses_ts(training_step)

c = @spawnat :any changes_ts(training_step)

Here is a MWE of my code for the MuZero algorithm at the link.

In the example the line update_remote_counter(training_step, 1) executes successfully until the last iteration. However in the original code, it is a bottleneck after some iterations. I have checked this using println just before and the after this line. The code prints before the line but is waiting for RemoteChannel training_step to receive a value.

Does anyone know why this is happening?