Reinforcement learning and e.g. deep kernel learning, and status of Julia for such AI

Hi nice overview.
Certainly another Julia possiblity to consider would be all the JuliaPOMDP packages.
The way I see it (and please correct me if I am wrong) this POMDPs packages together with the ReinforcementLearning packages are the ones gaining the most traction. (?)
Of course I don’t want to undermine other packages which could be equally interesting for someone to investigate.

While I am only just starting to investigate these packages I find it quite confusing to differentiate them. Does someone care to mention the main differences between the POMDPs and ReinforcementLearning packages ? As also the way they overlap ?
Must someone choose one over these packages or the suggested workflow is to consider both together, (since they are both compatible with CommonRLInterface ). If yes, how would someone combine them ?

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