The concept is just like the above picture (a Mathematica notebook). The use case is monitoring in realtime a field in numerical evolution. Is it possible using WGLMakie in jupyter notebook? Or other alternative suggestions?
Yes, see e.g: Animations | Makie
Of course you won’t need the record
Thanks. I think you mean the Animating a plot “live” section:
because the record
is needed otherwise.
So I copied the following code from there:
using WGLMakie
points = Observable(Point2f[randn(2)])
fig, ax = scatter(points)
limits!(ax, -4, 4, -4, 4)
fps = 60
nframes = 120
for i = 1:nframes
new_point = Point2f(randn(2))
points[] = push!(points[], new_point)
sleep(1/fps) # refreshes the display!
while changed GLMakie
to WGLMakie
. But nothing happened in the jupyter notebook. No plot could be seen.
just works well, refreshing the plot in realtime in an independent window. But as I said in the OP, what I need is a plot embedded in jupyter notebook that can be refreshed.
You need to either display
or return the plot from the cell somehow. E.g. here’s a little example I made that does the same thing as your Mathematica snippet:
Note: making this example was a bit of a pain in the ass for me, and I ran into lots of weird buggy behaviour and I have no idea if it was firefox’s fault, WGLMakie’s fault, or Jupyter’s fault.
Many thanks! Your method is definitely working in jupyter with a web browser, but it is not working in vs-code. Any solutions?
What are you doing with VSCode exactly?
VSCode notebooks aren’t supported yet.
Otherwise, you need an explicit display(figure)
call, if you dont have cells.
Just using vs-code to run jupyter notebooks doing numerical simulation. On some cloud platforms, there is no option to run jupyter with a web browser, so only vs-code can be used. You can have a look here:
They will need to explicitly support Bonito.jl, e.g. like JuliaHub’s cloud VSCode IDE.
That’s because they have to proxy through the Websocket connection that Bonito needs to render + update the WGLMakie plots.