Reformulation perspectification technique: ideas embodied in a contrived example

From Mosek’s cookbook we know:
The feasibility system \{ t > 0, t(\frac{x}{t})^2 \le y \} in \mathbb{R}^3
can be coded as [y + t, y - t, 2 * x] in JuMP.SecondOrderCone()

In this tutorial we aim to solve the following nonconvex program (NC) via a convex relaxation (CR).

(NC) \quad v := \max_w \{ w^2 + 2w : 0 \le w \le 1\}

Even a junior can tell correctly that v = 3, which is attained when w = 1.

Nonetheless, today we approach this problem from another standpoint.

We first do a reformulation.

-\frac{v}{2} = \min_w \{ -w - \frac{w^2}{2} : 0 \le w \le 1 \}

We recognize \frac{w^2}{2} as a special convex function.

It is special in that the its conjugate function admits of the same form.

And since it is proper, closed and convex, its biconjugate equals itself.

Therefore we have \frac{w^2}{2} = \sup_y \{w y - \frac{y^2}{2}\}, or -\frac{w^2}{2} = \inf_y \{\frac{y^2}{2} - w y\}.

Hence -\frac{v}{2} = \min_{w, y} \{ -w - wy + \frac{y^2}{2} : 0 \le w \le 1 \}

There are 3 objective terms, -w is simple, -wy is a standard bilinear term (also simple).

The 3rd term \frac{y^2}{2} is a convex term.

We again testified the fact ‘in a lifted space, undesirable terms can be made convex’ cf. here.

We introduce an epigraphical variable for the 3rd term, thereby

-\frac{v}{2} = \min_{w, y, u} \{ -w - wy + \frac{u}{2} : 0 \le w \le 1, y^2 \le u \}

We then rename the decisions: x := [w, y, u] \in \mathbb{R}^3

Here we are ready to write the code of the convex relaxation program

# start a pristine Julia REPL

import JuMP

import MosekTools

CR = JuMP.Model(() -> MosekTools.Optimizer()) # CR = Convex Relaxation

JuMP.@variable(CR, x[1:3])

JuMP.@variable(CR, X[eachindex(x), eachindex(x)], Symmetric)

# JuMP.@constraint(CR, [1 transpose(x); x X] in JuMP.PSDCone()); # SDP cut

JuMP.set_lower_bound(x[1], 0); JuMP.set_upper_bound(x[1], 1); # the linear constraints

JuMP.@constraint(CR, C1, [x[3] + 1, x[3] - 1, 2 * x[2]] in JuMP.SecondOrderCone()) # the epigraphical convex constraint

# the following 2 constraints are valid inequalities, they are so good such that the above SDP cut can be relaxed

JuMP.@constraint(CR, [X[1, 3] + x[1], X[1, 3] - x[1], 2 * X[1, 2]] in JuMP.SecondOrderCone()) # derived from C1 × lower_bound_constraint

JuMP.@constraint(CR, [x[3] - X[1, 3] + (1 - x[1]), x[3] - X[1, 3] - (1 - x[1]), 2 * (x[2] - X[1, 2])] in JuMP.SecondOrderCone()) # derived rom C1 × upper_bound_constraint

JuMP.@objective(CR, Min, -x[1] - X[1, 2] + x[3] / 2)


@assert JuMP.termination_status(CR) == JuMP.OPTIMAL

JuMP.value(x[1]) # = 1.0, i.e. the optimal `w` in (NC),

JuMP.objective_bound(CR) # lb = -1.5, this dual bound is indeed tight

From the experiment results we conclude that v \le 3, yet the solution returned by (CR) can let v take 3.

Therefore w = 1 is also an optimal solution of (NC).

Related tutorial.

We mention another valid equality (or inequality) which might be irredundant and could also be added to (CR).

If you run the program of (CR) above with the SDP cut, you’ll get

julia> JuMP.value.(X)
3×3 Matrix{Float64}:
 2.35708  1.00001  1.00001
 1.00001  2.30723  0.92649
 1.00001  0.92649  2.31019

This solution can be cut off by the reversed Fenchel inequality, in this context it is y^2 + w^2 \le 2 wy, coded as X[2, 2] + X[1, 1] <= 2 * X[1, 2] .

The rationale is that the “\le” in Fenchel inequality is actually a “=” at optimality, e.g. in this context. Therefore, adding the constraint standing for Fenchel equality will not cut off optimal solutions, i.e. it is valid.