Here’s a little challenge for you: given a collection A find a_{max} \in A s.t. f(a_{max}) \ge f(a) ~ \forall a \in A (in other words, find the supremum of the set f(A)).
Here’s the naive implementation:
function maxf(A, f::Function)
amax = first(A)
fofamax = f(amax)
for i ∈ 2:length(A)
fofa = f(A[i])
if fofa ≥ fofamax
fofamax = fofa
amax = A[i]
The challenge is, can you find a way to do this, as efficiently as in the naive implementation, using only stdlib and Base (i.e. no control structures!)? This seems like a fair ask, since this is a pretty basic task.
This is close, but no cigar, since it returns f(a_{max}) rather than a_{max}
mapreduce(f, max, A)
(by the way, this actually has amazingly identical performance to the naive implementation)
Maybe I’m missing something, but the reason I decided to create this post was that thinking about this raised a larger question in my mind: do we have nice ways of reducing over collections without allocating? I think that mostly the answer is no. Should there be some simple, intuitive way to do this sort of thing?
I fear that the initial instinct of the vast majority of people would be to do something like last(sort(A, by=f)) which has absolutely abysmal performance due to the allocation.
A = rand(10^6)
julia> @benchmark maxf(A, abs) # "naive" implementation
memory estimate: 16 bytes
allocs estimate: 1
minimum time: 2.223 ms (0.00% GC)
median time: 2.394 ms (0.00% GC)
mean time: 2.403 ms (0.00% GC)
maximum time: 3.174 ms (0.00% GC)
samples: 2071
evals/sample: 1
julia> @benchmark mapreduce(x -> (x, abs(x)), (x, y) -> x[2] > y[2] ? x : y, A)
memory estimate: 32 bytes
allocs estimate: 1
minimum time: 1.671 ms (0.00% GC)
median time: 1.728 ms (0.00% GC)
mean time: 1.763 ms (0.00% GC)
maximum time: 2.104 ms (0.00% GC)
samples: 2820
evals/sample: 1
So mapreduce is a bit faster, despite allocating slightly more.
It might be nice if you could do maximum(A, by=f), though that wouldn’t solve the more general problem of having blindingly obvious ways of reducing without allocating (or rather minimally allocating).
Perhaps I’m making more of that issue than it deserves…
Oh, that’s confusing, I was quite aware of interpolation for benchmarking, but in that particular case I did not think that interpolating A would make any difference. Not sure I understand why it does.
Anyway, what I think I was getting at with this post is that it might be cool to have something like
@noallocate last(sort(A, by=f))
for cases where you just want to reduce over something that would otherwise be allocated. This is probably a terrible example, since it is abundantly clear that sort should return an actual array, and having a macro to elide explicit allocations would just be silly. I also don’t have any good ideas yet for what such a macro would look like. Still, I’m having trouble thinking of lots more examples where this sort of thing is a potential problem, so maybe I’m being silly. It was really bothering me that I couldn’t immediately think of an elegant way of doing this simple algorithm using only Base though, again I fear that most users would just do something that allocates.
A macro like that might be a little too magical. Since there already exist a function findmax, the only work needed is to allow passing a predicate function (with the regular findmax(A) being equivalent to findmax(identity,A)), though I haven’t looked at the internals and so am not sure how hard that would be.