mutable struct Data
I get two vectors that are of type Vector{Float64} from a solution of an ODE and want to construct the type Data field’s being the two vectors.
I am using a function to do so something like this
function store_vectors!(input::Data, solution)
times = 0.0:0.01:10.0
states = solution(times)
input.data_a = [state[1] for state in states]
input.data_b = [state[2] for state in states]
The ODE used StaticArrays.jl to improve the performance which is working as intended but as soon as I store the vectors in Data the allocations jump considerably and I feel like there is a way to decrease the allocations.
Any thoughts/ideas as to ways to improve this?
I was initially thinking to initialise the type Data with a fixed size Vector and then assigning data to it.
Unless you intend to reassign the fields of Data, you can make the struct immutable and simply return a new Data object.
Your function allocates because [state[1] for state in states] creates a new array. Depending on the type/shape of states, this may be superfluos (what is the type of states?).
This line allocates a new array for the right-hand-side every time you execute it, so it’s hardly surprising that it will allocate. It has nothing to do with whether you store the result in a mutable struct.
If you want to avoid allocation, you need to overwrite a pre-allocated vector. If you don’t know the size that you need in advance, you can always resize it as needed, for example:
No. The right hand side cannot be a new vector. If you want to avoid allocating, it has to be a “dot call” broadcast operation that is “fused” with the assignment on the left-hand-side.