I am trying to define a type alias for a parametric type. Unfortuntately, when running the same line of code again, I get an error “invalid redefinition of constant …”. While that is generally okai (it’s constant so I don’t want o change it ^^) it’s a bit annoying when rerunning a script in the same itnerpreter to avoid the startup time of Julia (roughly 30 seconds for my particular script).
Here is a minimal not working example. How can I avoid that the second line raises and error?
julia> MyUnion{A, B} = Union{A,B}
Union{A, B} where B where A
julia> MyUnion{A, B} = Union{A,B}
ERROR: invalid redefinition of constant MyUnion
ok, thanks. When is Julia 0.7 likely to come out? And is there a beta already for testing it? I used conda to install julia, so maybe there is a conda channel for that?
Thanks for the workaround, works like a charm. And Revise.jl looks awesome, I’ll be trying it out these days.
There are nightlies available to download from https://julialang.org/downloads/nightlies.html but you should know that not many packages support it and it is still changing a bit (not too big things right now though).