Redefining functions in the REPL alleviates large allocations (MWE with IntervalArithmetic.jl)

I noticed a lot of memory allocations with IntervalArithmetic.jl on Julia 1.5.3 (it appears to be the same in 1.6) when I used a vector of Interval as an input for a custom function in a module. Interestingly, redefining the function in the REPL fixes the problem.

Here is a MWE:

julia> module MyModule
           function foo(v)
               w = zero.(v)
               for i ∈ eachindex(w)
                   w[i] += v[i]*v[i]
               return w
           export foo

julia> using IntervalArithmetic, BenchmarkTools

julia> v = Interval.(rand(10_000));

julia> @btime$v);
  3.834 ms (60002 allocations: 1.07 MiB)

julia> function
           w = zero.(v)
           for i ∈ eachindex(w)
               w[i] += v[i]*v[i]
           return w

julia> @btime$v);
  1.809 ms (2 allocations: 156.33 KiB)

I am not sure if this is a problem with IntervalArithmetic.jl, in which case I’ll open an issue on GitHub. Indeed, I remember seeing this post; though this may be completely unrelated.

Any insights on how to prevent / fix the observed behaviour without having to redefine the functions in the REPL?

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I can reproduce the behaviour, but I certainly don’t understand it! I don’t see why it would have anything to do with IntervalArithmetic.jl.

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You should add using .MyModule, not sure if it helps though.

@Skoffer, will do thanks. However it does not solve the issue.

@dpsanders I agree. It feels like it is not linked to IntervalArithemtic.jl.

On the other hand, I can not reproduce it with a basic custom struct or with Measurements.jl:

julia> module MyModule
           function foo(v)
               w = zero.(v)
               for i ∈ eachindex(w)
                   w[i] += v[i]*v[i]
               return w
           export foo

julia> using .MyModule, Measurements, BenchmarkTools

julia> v = measurement.(rand(10_000));

julia> @btime foo($v);
  348.917 μs (2 allocations: 312.58 KiB)

julia> function
           w = zero.(v)
           for i ∈ eachindex(w)
               w[i] += v[i]*v[i]
           return w

julia> @btime foo($v);
  348.993 μs (2 allocations: 312.58 KiB)

So perhaps it is related to IntervalArithmetic.jl?..

I had some time to investigate a bit: it seems to be a problem with the multiplication *:

module MyModule
    function foo(x)
        for i ∈ 1:10
            x * x
        return nothing
    export foo

using .MyModule, IntervalArithmetic, BenchmarkTools

x = @interval(π);

@btime foo($x); # 1.458 μs (60 allocations: 960 bytes)

It looks like there are 6 extra allocations per multiplication. These allocations disappear after redefining the function foo.

@dpsanders should I move this discussion on IntervalArithmetic.jl by filing an issue?

Yes, please. Thanks!

I still don’t understand why redefining the function makes any difference, though.

Could it possibly be related to this issue?
You can check if inferernce fails in the same way as in the issue

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I do not think it is (note: I did not dive in with Cthulhu.jl since I am not comfortable with the package to really make sense of the outputs).

I ran the following:

module MyModule
    foo(x) = x*x
    export foo

using Test, .MyModule, IntervalArithmetic, BenchmarkTools

x = @interval(π);

@btime foo(Ref($x)[]);
# 137.597 ns (6 allocations: 96 bytes)

@inferred foo(x)
# [9.8696, 9.86961]

@code_typed optimize=false foo(x)
# CodeInfo(
# 1 ─ %1 = (x * x)::Interval{Float64}
# └──      return %1
# ) => Interval{Float64}

Here @inferred did not raise an error.

Let me know if I overlooked something :slight_smile: .

Here is a link to the issue on GitHub:

Despite the fact that the MWE is associated with IntervalArithmetic.jl, it is still not clear wether it is a Julia issue (especially the mystery around redefining the function).

Furthermore, if one does not call foo(x) before redefining foo in the REPL then the problem persists. I guess calling foo(x) triggers compilation and then redefining the function does … something …

FWIW, there seems to be quite a difference in the output of @code_native foo(x) before and after redefining the function (assuming we triggered compilation as discussed in the previous paragraph).
Perhaps this might mean something to an expert? I can not make much sense of @code_native output :frowning: .

Not sure, but could be related to the fact that for functions which end up recursing back on themselves, there’s some limits on inference than can cause you to get different results depending on the order you call things in in a given session. See e.g. this blog post. It could be that redefining the function triggers inference in a different order than the original, making it work.

If its this, in theory this could be solved with the right precompile directive, not that its necessarily easy to figure out which. Or perhaps by rewriting whatever is the offending recursive function in IntervalArithmetic to recurse in a way thats more friendly to the Julia compiler (in general, this means the arguments to each recursive call should have less deeply nested parametric types and shorter tuples than the original arguments, never the opposite).

It seems to be an issue with @inline being somehow lost in the module definition (see Extra allocations from multiplication (redefining functions in the REPL alleviates allocations) · Issue #435 · JuliaIntervals/IntervalArithmetic.jl · GitHub).

I don’t know enough about how inlining work (or is supposed to) to tell if it is a julia bug or not though.


Thanks for the feedback :slight_smile: It seems however that for more “complicated functions” inlining the functions fails. Consider the following MWE:

module MyModule
   @inline function foo(v)
       w = zero.(v)
       for i ∈ eachindex(w)
           _foo2!(w, v, i)
       return w

   @inline function _foo2!(w, v, i)
       for j ∈ 1:i
           w[i] += v[i]*v[j]
   export foo

using IntervalArithmetic, BenchmarkTools

v = Interval.(rand(10_000));

@btime$v); # 10.147 s (300030002 allocations: 4.47 GiB)

function MyModule._foo2!(w, v, i)
    for j ∈ 1:i
        w[i] += v[i]*v[j]

@btime$v); # 4.938 s (2 allocations: 156.33 KiB)

I also don’t have a good knowledge of how inlining works. Hopefully someone with a better understanding of inlining can step in to help us :slight_smile: