Suppose that I have a function f: Int --> Float64 that conducts some expensive computation, but the integer inputs into f typically have only a very small number of possible values. I thus want to cache the results for speedup. In languages like C/C++, we may use a local static variable. What is the Julian way to do this? A relevant topic is Caching the results of a factory method.
A straightforward method is to define a cache global variable in the enclosing module shown below.
module M
const cache = Dict{Int, Float64}()
function f(a::Int)
if a ∉ keys(cache)
# computate and store result in cache[a]
return cache[a]
However, if there are multiple functions that need cache, then there will be quite a few global variables like cache1, cache2 that seem a little messy.
Thanks @GunnarFarneback . The above memoization packages are more convenient for result cache purposes in my original question. However, the let block version is more suitable for another scenario: to preallocate some memory in functions that are frequently used (i.e., in a for loop) but hide this detail from users.
let c = zeros(100)
global function f(a::Vector, b::Vector)
@assert length(a) == length(b) == 100
c .= a .+ b
# more operations on c
# ...
Previously, I usually pass c explicitly into the above function f, but removing c from the function interface seems much better.