Recommendations for Julia & SQL Workflow with Jupyter or VSCode

[…] what might be a sweet setup that includes notebooks […] I tried VSCode […] I don’t like how it has high RAM usage.

There is sweet and cool Erudite VIM [Erudite Vim - Sensational Vim Configuration] and on a dark side there is LunarVIM [Vim for Julia — Another Look. LunarVim as a Julia IDE | by DSB | Coffee in a Klein Bottle | Medium]. It should be possible to configure both with notebooks (never tried). There is also Juno / Atom / Hydrogen which is really interesting configuration but “not fully supported” anymore (even though I guess its still working perfectly). I think that you may also consider “The Qt Console for Jupyter” [The Qt Console for Jupyter — Jupyter Qt Console 5.4.3 documentation] which should provide fairly light configuration of this type (also never tried). One thing to add to @nilshg comment about native VSCode Jupyter notebook support. The last time I was reading about it (a few weeks ago), if I am recalling correctly, it was limited to one CPU core (tbc). So if there was no change since them, IJulia kernel might provide better performance.

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