Real and complex coupled types as parametric types

I want a function that takes two parameters, one (potentially) complex and one real parameter. They should have the same precision / underlying format. I tried the following but get an error I do not understand:

julia> function f(z::T, myreal::real(T)) where{T<:Number}
           return z+myreal;
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching real(::TypeVar)
Closest candidates are:
  real(::Complex) at complex.jl:54
  real(::Real) at complex.jl:67
  real(::Type{T<:Real}) where T<:Real at complex.jl:98

This is confusing to me, since I am allowed to use real(T) in a different way:

function f2(z::T, y=one(real(T))) where{T<:Number}
    return z+y;

The following code gives the behaviour I want, except that the operations are carried out in Complex even if z is Real:

f3(z::T,myreal::T) where {T<:Real} = f3(complex(z),myreal)
function f3(z::Complex{T}, myreal::T) where {T<:Real}
    return z+myreal;

julia version 0.6.4


julia> function f(z::Union{T, Complex{T}}, myreal::T) where{T<:Real}
           return typeof(z);
f (generic function with 1 method)

julia> f(1.0, 0.0)

julia> f(1.0im, 0.0)
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This thread was marked “performance,” but declaring argument types has no impact on performance in Julia. The compiler specializes the function for the caller’s argument types even if no types were declared. The type declarations are only useful as a “filter” to say which functions are applicable to which types.

If you declare argument types at all, you should make them as generic as possible, e.g. just use Number, to make your function as flexible as possible (e.g. to work with dual numbers for automatic differentiation).


Thanks. @platawiec’s solution does partially solves my problem. I fear my attempt to construct a mwe made it unclear where the performance aspect lies (or maybe I misunderstood something).

A bit more elaborate example: I want the first argument to determine which arithmetic my algorithm should run, and default to Complex128. I also have some kwargs.

So, a and b should be the same:


This is how I tried to achieve this (drastically simplified from my application, dont pay so much attention to the contents of the function):

function myfun(::Type{T_arithmetic},x::Float64;
               ) where T_arithmetic<:Number
    z+=x1; # no inplace 
    return z;

The call myfun(Complex128,3.0) is type stable according to (@code_warntype), but myfun(3.0) is not. If I replace <:Number with T_arithmetic in the kwarg it becomes type-stable. However, I want it to be real vector. If I replace <:Number with Vector{real(T_arithmetic)} I get the same error as above.

This type instability can cause a performance penalty, right?

Type stability check:

julia> @code_warntype(myfun(3.0))

      return $(Expr(:invoke, MethodInstance for #myfun#1(::Array{Any,1}, ::Function, ::Float64), :(Main.#myfun#1), :($(Expr(:foreigncall, :(:jl_alloc_array_1d), Array{Any,1}, svec(Any, Int64), Array{Any,1}, 0, 0, 0))), :(#self#), :(x)))

julia> @code_warntype(myfun(Complex128,3.0))
  #self# <optimized out>
  #temp# <optimized out>

      SSAValue(1) = $(Expr(:invoke, MethodInstance for fill!(::Array{Complex{Float64},1}, ::Complex{Float64}), :(Base.fill!), :($(Expr(:foreigncall, :(:jl_alloc_array_1d), Array{Complex{Float64},1}, svec(Any, Int64), Array{Complex{Float64},1}, 0, 2, 0))), :($(Expr(:new, Complex{Float64}, :((Base.sitofp)(Float64, 1)::Float64), :((Base.sitofp)(Float64, 0)::Float64))))))
      $(Expr(:inbounds, false))
      # meta: location /home/jarl/.julia/v0.6/NonlinearEigenproblems/src/mynewton.jl #myfun#2 7
      z::Array{Complex{Float64},1} = $(Expr(:invoke, MethodInstance for fill!(::Array{Complex{Float64},1}, ::Complex{Float64}), :(Base.fill!), :($(Expr(:foreigncall, :(:jl_alloc_array_1d), Array{Complex{Float64},1}, svec(Any, Int64), Array{Complex{Float64},1}, 0, 2, 0))), :($(Expr(:new, Complex{Float64}, :((Base.sitofp)(Float64, 0)::Float64), :((Base.sitofp)(Float64, 0)::Float64)))))) # line 8:
      (Base.arrayset)(z::Array{Complex{Float64},1}, $(Expr(:new, Complex{Float64}, :(x), :((Base.sitofp)(Float64, 0)::Float64))), 1)::Array{Complex{Float64},1} # line 9:
      z::Array{Complex{Float64},1} = $(Expr(:invoke, MethodInstance for +(::Array{Complex{Float64},1}, ::Array{Complex{Float64},1}), :(Main.+), :(z), SSAValue(1)))
      # meta: pop location
      $(Expr(:inbounds, :pop))
      return z::Array{Complex{Float64},1}

Something like this? You need a conversion in there somewhere.

julia> myfun(x, y) = myfun(Complex128(x), y)
myfun (generic function with 1 method)

julia> myfun(x::Complex128, y) = x + y
myfun (generic function with 2 methods)

julia> myfun(1, 2)
3.0 + 0.0im

Thanks. From my perspective, this is like my second example in the original post. When I run f(1,2) I would like to compute 3 with integer arithmetic. (In particular I don’t want 3.0+0.0im and also not 3+0im.)

What about something like this:

function myfun(::Type{S}, x::T; x1::Vector{T}=zeros(T, 2)) where {S<:Union{T, Complex{T}}} where {T<:Real} 
    z = zeros(S, 2)
    z[1] = x
    z += x1  # no inplace 
    return z
myfun(x::Number; kwargs...) = myfun(Complex128, x; kwargs...)
julia> myfun(3.0)
2-element Array{Complex{Float64},1}:

julia> myfun(Float64, 3.0)
2-element Array{Float64,1}:


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Then I didn’t understand what you meant by “wanting to use complex128 by default”.
What behaviour are you looking for? Please give example output.


The response of @DNF solves the problem completely. I did not know one could use where twice. Awasome. Thanks everyone for all great quick answers.

Thanks. I think the confusion arose because I had two minimal examples with inconsistent notation.

When I adapted @DNF’s solution to my application, I encountered another type error, which I would like to provide here for completeness. I managed to get around it in a quite unnatural way. It would be nice with some insight why this happens, or if there are more natural work-arounds.

If I remove the x::T in the parameter list (not kwarg-list) the type T seems not visible in the kwargs:

This works:

  function myfun1(::Type{S}, x::T; x1::Vector{T}=zeros(T, 2)) where {S<:Union{T, Complex{T}}} where {T<:Real} 
    z = zeros(S, 2)
    z += x1  
    return z

This throws an error:

julia> function myfun2(::Type{S}; x1::Vector{T}=zeros(T, 2)) where {S<:Union{T, Complex{T}}} where {T<:Real} 
    z = zeros(S, 2)
    z += x1  
    return z
ERROR: UndefVarError: T not defined

The work-around consists of adding an optional dummy parameter of type T:

julia> function myfun3(::Type{S}, dummy::T=zero(T); x1::Vector{T}=zeros(T, 2)) where {S<:Union{T, Complex{T}}} where {T<:Real} 
    z = zeros(S, 2)
    z += x1  
    return z

The same happens in julia 0.7.0-beta2.0.

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I, too, have observed this behaviour, and would like to know what is going on. I also had to tweak my own solution a bit to make it work. Several times I got the T not defined error, for reasons I could not understand.

What’s going on here?

You cannot dispatch on keyword arguments in Julia.