So the first two rows are irrelevant, but the problem is that the file has space and ; as a delimiter. If I try to read in the file I get the following result:
If you don’t need to use CSV package in particular, with readdlm from DelimitedFiles you could do readdlm(filename, Int, skipstart=2, comments=true, comment_char=';')
It will read anything after a ; character (included) as a comment and skip it.
I don’t know much about CSV but it seems it to have optional arguments for comments that you might try to use in the same way: Reading · CSV.jl
Although here it says that the comment character should be at the start of the line…
You could try (this is likely only useful to you, faster, if your file is huge):
CSV.File(filname; delim=' ', decimal = ';')
It’s a bit of a hack, with decimal, used as a comments hack, and then make sure your values are actually always integer going in (and what you get). If you tried with the comment keyword arg and it didn’t work then likely because:
Maybe that restriction should be lifted for compatibility with readdlm (which is leaving the stdlib, seems though will be a transparent change to users):