DelimitedFiles reading everything in one column


I am trying to read a csv file in Julia using readdlm. When I do this, readdlm wraps each row in my csv in a quote, and thus, ignores the \t column delimiters. Each row of the Matrix looks like this:

Matrix =  readdlm("data.csv",'\t')

842752×1 Array{Any,2}:

As you can see, readdlm is wrapping each row in a quote, which I believe is what impedes Julia to recognize that these columns are in fact separated by a tabulation.

A MWE example with the contents of a file that produces the issues would be helpful. For me, a file that contains

id	ISO3	log_tariff2005	log_tariff2006
2	ABW	.0279394	.0279394

reads correctly.